A Magick TV Special Report on the Chicago Unity Ritual held Saturday, 28 March, at Life Force Arts Center. Featuring many Chicago groups including Earth Spirit Chicago, Fellowship of Isis Chicago, Midwest Pagan Council, ADF, Holy City Temple, Brotherhood of… Continue reading
Playlist link: www.youtube.com Truthful credentials for Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde: www.bevolution.dk www.Bevolution.org – Sex had been spearated from Love together with man from God (the Divine). A well working sexuality strengthens the Life Force, Life energy and makes the Light… Continue reading

Groups Represented: I apologize if I leave someone out. Oberon Zell-Ravenheart Brotherhood of the Pheonix Correllian Nativist Tradition (Rev Don Lewis & Company) Voodun ADF Druid-Wild Onion Grove Heathen/Asatru-Troth (Thanks Phyllis) Ordo Templis Orientis Native American Tradition Fellowship of Isis… Continue reading