Does meaningless suffering destroy the will to live? Mount of Vision Hospital for Crippled Children is a microcosmic reflection of the tormented world of 1940. Herr Doktor Josef Weiss is forced to flee his country and career to save… Continue reading
Does meaningless suffering destroy the will to live? Mount of Vision Hospital for Crippled Children is a microcosmic reflection of the tormented world of 1940. Herr Doktor Josef Weiss is forced to flee his country and career to save… Continue reading
Question by all_out_rocker92: How do you go on a vision quest?
what exactly do you have to do?
i want the old fashioned indian vision quest,ya know to find yourself.
Best answer:
Answer by Cheryl E
I… Continue reading
Question by kennymoab: vision quest? what is your basic understanding of the vision quest?
where did it originate, what are the benefits spiritually and physically? thanks for your comments
Best answer:
Answer by Demon Lord Sesshomaru *AY*… Continue reading