James Wanless, creator of the Voyager Tarot, discusses “2010: The Year of the Empress” The Empress (Mother Life), in her unconditional love and nurturing compassion, creates and mothers all life into maturation and flowering. Look at the Empress and all… Continue reading
This video covers the months of August,September, and October 2010.It is a reading for a business owner with property investments. If you require help with time management then my friend Clare Evans may be able to help. www.clareevans.co.uk
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Voyager Tarot: Intuition Cards for the 21st Century
List Price: CDN$ 21.95
Price: CDN$ 11.16
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Feel the root of Tarot; learn about Tarot Cards and the Church of the Golden age in this free video on the voyager tarot deck. Expert: Arianah Bialon Bio: Arianha Bialon is a minister in the “Golden Age” Church, in… Continue reading