Question by jam: why do shamans have to wear very colorful costumes?with the beads, masks and everything?
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Answer by Madison S
It’s just tradition in foreign countries to dress brightly some shamans and such dress up to… Continue reading
What Will You Wear This St. Patrick’s Day?
Whether you’re Irish or simply love Irish traditions and holidays, St. Patrick’s Day brings Irish cheer to many people around the world. St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of all… Continue reading
Question by Treena: Why do people think that just because the Jonas Brothers wear purity rings, they won’t have sex?
I mean is it some kind of magical ring with mysterious powers that prevents them from having sex until… Continue reading
Wiccan Clothing – What To Wear When You Are A Witch
Clothes that Wiccans wear are similar to what everyone else wears in the culture in which they were raised. However, true Wiccans are very concerned about… Continue reading