Question by ilm2340: What do Wiccans *or other Pagans* believe about the end of the world?
Best answer:
Answer by oo? oo? bu?? bu?? .???
christians are also pagans.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Question by Lena L: How did the ancient Druids, Wiccans, and Pagans figure out when midnight was?
Anyone know how the ancient druids, wiccans, and pagans figured out when midnight was without use of our modern day… Continue reading
Question by LatinoHeat™: Do pagans such as say Wiccans believe in and worship all the gods and goddesses known to man?
The reason why I ask is because I’m reading well technically not readig but skimming through… Continue reading
Question by indiankid14: Wiccans: I was looking today…?
about the ancient celtics, and i started reading, in a book, about the druids. Now, I know there are pagan Druids, and that there are celtic Wiccans(or wiccans of the Celtic… Continue reading