Clip 1. Nine youths perform a ten-day initiation ceremony, the heart of which is a three days and nights solo fast in the high desert of eastern California (otherwise known as a vision quest). With a powerful resolve to enter… Continue reading
Question by The Rev. Barnum Fife: Have any of you, whether religious or not, ever sought “god” in a wilderness sorta way?
Like Jesus and Siddharta supposedly did, with the caloric restriction and all? Like Native Americans did (and… Continue reading
Question by Didgeridude: Advice and recommendations on wilderness vision quests?
How do you find a guide?
Best answer:
Answer by swarr2001
My advice, take a guide. Someone who has been through this before and can keep watch while you… Continue reading
Question by orangeacid: whats it called when someone goes into the wilderness alone, doesnt talk or eat for 3-4days as spiritual quest?
Might have originated from Native American cultures? It has a name, but I can’t remember… Continue reading