Fed up with Alex constantly breaking into his room and stealing his stuff, Justin creates a female Frankenstein’s monster as a security measure and names her “Franken Girl”. However, when Alex still manages to break in and outwit the monster,… Continue reading

Justin uses magic to land a spot on the school’s baseball team so he can impress a girl named Kari (Chelsea Staub). Meanwhile, Alex tries to impress Riley by making him think she’s the team’s good luck charm. Spells: Tomnunane… Continue reading
Occult Magic Spellcasting and Wizards
A basic understanding of Magic Power can be described as a transfer of energy, similar to witchcraft . In knowing that, everyday we all create Magic Power, especially as we sleep.… Continue reading
Question by arcturus pendragon: fellow witches, wizards druids shamans can you help me with this?
Well its like this. Ive got an oak staff and its getting prety difficult to use should I stick with it or… Continue reading