Wonderful, Magickal, Mustika-pearls Part 2
Some of the characteristics and virtues of mustika-pearls are intensely curious and interesting. Below we present just a few of these :
The pearl from the dugong (called “Ikan-duyung” in Indonesian) for… Continue reading
Wonderful, Magickal, Mustika-pearls Part 1
Freaks and anomalies are found abound in Nature and her creations–if we would just look for them. “Mustikas” or “Magickal Pearls” having their origin in animals and plants are just some… Continue reading
Free Tarot is a Wonderful Way to Get Acquainted With This Form of Divination
Future, no matter how scary, is always enticing a person to get a sneak peek into what it holds. Most of us are broadly… Continue reading