Churchill ? Right or Wrong ? an Analysis
“We are shaping the world faster than we can change ourselves, and we are applying to the present the habits of the past.” (W. Churchill)
To warrant a citation as one of… Continue reading
Question by the dude: if you love each other what is wrong with sex?
i know the bible says not to but what is the exact difference between sex in marriage or premarital sex. is there… Continue reading
Question by Occultist: What is wrong with premarital sex, magic, third eye, enlightenment, aliens being ‘god’, and nothing existing?
Best answer:
Answer by Josh A
i dont see anything wrong with it morally… Continue reading
Question by Sabre of Faith: Pagans during rituals and energy work is the use of alcohol wrong?
I’m an open minded spiritualist who has friends that are part of a pagan coven and I’m curious of… Continue reading