Tarot-Software und Lenormand-Software zum Kartenlegen über das Internet für zwei Personen. Viele verschiedene Kartendecks: Tarot, Lenormand, Skat, etc… Eine person legt die Karten, die andere Person schaut per Internetbrowser zu. Dieses Video zeigt einige der wichtigsten Funktionen. Probieren Sie es… Continue reading
Some of the main features of the Tarot software and Lenormand software on AmboCarta.com. While one person reads the cards, the other person can watch the cards over the internet in a web browser. Many card decks are available, such… Continue reading

The Tarot software at www.AmboCarta.com offers virtual card tables for online cartomancy. In this video, you can see how a virtual card table works for cartomancers and their customers. More than that, you can see how a cartomancer or HER… Continue reading