Take Your Zeal and Learn How to Evangelize- But Not Like This!
The following are the testimonies of individuals who, because of their love for God and their staggering zeal, went out to spread the Gospel– but without preparation or correct training:
? Witness #1
Well, I was thinking about how I needed to tell people about Jesus, so I went up to a boy in the park and said, “Hi there little boy. Would you like to know Jesus?” He said no, so I said, “But I’ll give you candy,” because I know that all kids love candy and will do just about anything for it. Well, he said yes, so I gave him a few pieces before I started telling him about Jesus. Before I could finish, he ran away with the candy. Later that day, my mom told me that she’d gotten a call from a friend whose son had been given candy in the park by a girl (with my description). He’d eaten it all before he got home because he knew his mom wouldn’t let him have it, but what he didn’t know was that he was really allergic to something in the candy. He’s in the hospital now, but the scary part is over and he’ll live. So all you people out there, my mom says not to bribe someone into hearing about God, and I say, listen to what she said. Oh, and make sure people aren’t allergic to anything before you give it to them!
? Witness #2
So, I’m like, sitting with my friends at lunch, and God says to me, “Dude, you gotta tell these guys about Me.” So I like, suddenly stand up and yell, “Hey, do you love God?” I have to yell because they’re all making all kinds of crazy noise. All the punks look at me like I’m crazy and say, “No.” One dude was like, laughin’ at me, so I got filled with the Holy Spirit and picked up my Bible and nailed him on the head with it. Then I opened it and smeared