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Talking Rocks

“This rock’s vibrating with playfulness,” laughs Bob. “My stone,” Julia bubbles, “is transmitting living with ease.” Trish shares that her river rock is conveying freedom. Becky senses a connection to all beings from her stone.

As each person correctly identifies the qualities their partner had transmitted into the rock, I’m astounded. The experiment is working! At the same time, my doubting mind chimes in, “This can’t be happening. It’s impossible that every person is naming the exact vibrational quality their partner put into the rock.”

So much for the accuracy of my mind!

Vision Questing

Three days earlier, 16 of us backpacked into a pristine canyon outside of the mystical town of Sedona, Arizona. Another guide and I were leading the group on a vision quest.

Traditionally, indigenous people embark on a vision quest to reconnect to their spirit and intuition. Aborigines in Australia go on a vision quest-like “walkabout” that can last a day, a week or years. Many modern folks use the vision quest to receive clarity about their life purpose. Others open to guidance concerning the next step on their life path. Still others seek to break free of old habits and patterns that aren’t bringing them true health and happiness. Like the native peoples, our courageous group is tapping into the raw vitality of Nature for counsel about moving through life’s challenges.

Beyond Chocolate Mousse

Some of the backpackers were on our Day Hikes Vision Quest the previous year. On that quest we only stayed in the canyons during the day. At night the gang enjoyed the culinary delights of

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