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The experiment begins in the middle of a dry creek bed. Each person selects a rock they feel an attraction to. Then people pair up. Secretly, one partner decides on an energetic quality such as humor, honesty, kindness, compassion, innocence, integrity or flexibility. Then they vibrationally transmit that energy to the rock by deeply feeling the attribute within themselves while they are holding the rock. After the transmission, the person hands the “vibrationally charged” rock to their partner. The partner shares what they sense from the rock. Then the partners reverse roles.

To my delight and surprise, each person describes the exact quality their partner “downloaded” into the rock—often in precisely the same words their partner used! A total of sixteen people randomly chose sixteen different qualities. Sixteen accurate descriptions!

Gateways to Self Discovery

On other vision quests, people have discovered that rocks aren’t Nature’s only gateway for revealing hidden abilities and new possibilities for living richer lives. There are many portals that lead to a more exciting human playground here on Planet Earth.

Spin a Different Web

Often the actions of insects or animals demonstrate how people can make helpful changes in their lives. While observing a spider constructing its web, 50-year-old Mike realizes that it isn’t too late to spin a new web for his life. Mike sees that just as the spider re-weaves its web in order to catch new nourishment for survival, Mike can adjust—re-weave—the way he makes a living in order to catch new spiritual nourishment and thus, enjoy his work more.


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