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new strategy: I can connect directly with the ‘happy’ feeling I get when I acquire something new and allow the feeling itself to shift my mood. I don’t need objects to feel good. Anytime I want to feel better, I can draw directly upon the uplifting peak experiences of my life—my storehouse of good feelings. With this new approach to happiness, I’m finally free from the drive, the push and the relentless compulsion to buy ‘things’ to make me feel better.

“When I leave my one-of-a-kind art treasure sitting in the forest, I also leave behind my addiction to seeking happiness through collecting ‘stuff.’ I discover a source of peace and joy inside myself that has previously alluded me in my life.”

What’s Your Vision?

Throughout the history of humankind, Nature has inspired people to unearth fresh options for living more prosperous lives. Canyons reveal insights that guide folks to more satisfying careers. Forests stimulate realizations that lead people to more joy. And Mother Nature provides other assistance—like talking rocks—that reminds us of unlimited possibilities! What gateways in Nature can you use to find the fulfillment you want in life?

Drawing from the wisdom of native and ancient spiritual traditions, Keith Varnum shares his 30 years of practical success as an author, personal coach, acupuncturist, filmmaker, radio host, restaurateur, vision quest guide and international seminar leader with “The Dream Workshops”. Keith helps people get the love, money, and health they want with his F-r-e-e Prosperity Ezine, F-r-e-e Abundance Tape and F-r-e-e Coaching at

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