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pressing down into the earth while being entirely supported all around.

– Just let all the tension in your body be washed completely, allowing all your muscles to relax.

– Now relax your mind. Focus on the slow steady natural rhythm of your breathing and nothing else.

– Just float this way for 20 minutes while you witness what your mind and body experience.

Exercise Two: Tighten and Release. This exercise aims to teach you how to ‘control’ your body. That is, when to induce tension on it and when to deliberately relax it. This is important during intercourse because then when you feel tension, you can command your body to relax.

– Assume the Float position.

– Focus your awareness on your toes, tense them tightly for a moment, and then relax them for several breaths.

– Focus your awareness on your feet, tense them tightly for a moment, and then relax them for several breaths.

– Continue doing the same with your lower legs, thighs, genitals, butt, stomach, lower back, chest, upper back, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, neck, and jaw.

– If you feel tension anywhere in your body, repeat the cycle until you feel relaxed all over.

– Take a few moments just breathing gently and feel the complete sense of relaxation sink in deeply.

Exercise Three: Tantric Belly Breathing

Have you noticed that during sex and you’re all really tensed up and you feel like you’re going to explode, your breathing comes in gasps or in short, dragged breaths? This type of breathing goads you to reach your destination (orgasm) faster. So what if you can command yourself to breathe more evenly? Surely, that would relax

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