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Yes, tarot cards really were invented for card games – which are still played throughout continental Europe to this day. This series will set about teaching some truths about the cards, as well as how to play! This is a very rough start and will have to be remade as I get better. There is still a lot to learn about film making although the narration is perhaps the weakest part of this – I hope to improve with time. I do suggest watching these in HD so as to better see the illustrations. Remember to visit to download the pdf book with a large selection of rules. This little book is going to get some further revisions in the next week, so do check back fo rthat. Promoting the games of tarot over the dominant myth of fortune telling and occult significance is an uphill effort, so if anyone else wants to help – and at this point, I stress that this is a non-commercial effort – then that would be most welcome. There are permissions in the book for reproducing and re-distributing its contents and if you would like to mirror or link to this film, that will all help gain coverage.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

14 Responses to Tarocchi Part 1: Introducing the Card Games for Tarot

  • Chirno9Icefall says:

    One of Best Tarot videos EVER!

    Thanks for the TRUTH

  • DonaldRanRanRu says:

    It is a good video. I’m new to the game playing tarot. I’ve played one of the games on everything2 and it looks interesting.

  • zagyex says:

    Hi. Thanks for the site and videos. It is great that someone talks about the history in english in an adequate way . I have played Tarokk since the age of 14. In Hungary the games are quite well known, but since the cards dedicated to divination entered the market in the last 20 years, it is a common mistake to talk about Tarot and Tarokk as two different things, while they are not. —I have a Pack from the late 19th century printed in Budapest by Nándor Piatnik.

  • ANIideas says:

    While I come from a more sceptical position regarding reading, I do feel that there need be no conflict between reading and game play – hence it is a means by which we can all share a love of the cards while putting our differences to one side.

    I do hope that you try out some of the games, they really are great fun!

  • Elfdaughter says:

    Thanks for this – I’m a Tarot reader, and I’m really interested in the origins and history of Tarot. I’ve always known that it originated from a card game, but never known what that game was or how it was played. I think it’s really interesting how the Tarot we know and use today has come to be a divination tool. But we must remember that no matter what its origins… the fact remains that it DOES work!

  • tarot4games says:

    #44 – Most Discussed (Today) – Education – United Kingdom
    #18 – Top Favorited (Today) – Education – United Kingdom
    #95 – Top Favorited (This Week) – Education – United Kingdom
    #32 – Top Rated (Today) – Education – United Kingdom
    #100 – Top Rated (This Week) – Education – United Kingdom

  • tarot4games says:

    moar moar moar!!!!XD

  • AnonWWXD says:


  • ANIideas says:

    Hi. This suggestion comes from Ross Caldwell, one of the very knowledgeable folk in the history forum at Aeclectic. Not the first place you would expect to find folk like him but I do recommend that part of their forum. Also there, are the likes of Huck and Michael Hurst who all gave advice in scripting this film. They posted the images of Female Popes and Hung Traitors.

  • DonaldRanRanRu says:

    Ronald approves! ran ran ruuuuuu!


    This video is full of win!

  • SkeptiGamer says:

    That’s the most plausible sounding etymology of the word “tarot”

  • SkeptiGamer says:

    Excellent! Yes, mirror this video!

  • Oudler says:

    Five stars, favorited, and added to my blog!! I’d give it ten if YouTube allowed for it!
    Not only is it a breath of fresh air to see Tarot covered from a card players’ perspective, you may have been the first native English speaker on YouTube to pronounce the word “Tarocchi” correctly!
    Great job on this one here. I’m very much looking forward to seeing the rest of this series!

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