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Question by Ms.Penguin: Tarot Card Help~Can I bring them to school?
I have the Rider-Waite tarot deck. I read on a small article that I cannot leave them unattended which I have done so for about 2 days. Can I bring them to school?

Best answer:

Answer by Mfh H
Better off asking the teacher about it first. Some especially religious people may be offend. check if your school has any policy regarding cards.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to Tarot Card Help~Can I bring them to school?

  • Cat ? ><((((x> says:

    1. Why can’t you leave them unattended? I have mine in a box on a shelf in my bedroom and they have never tried to run away. What do you think happens when the Book Store you bought them from closes? The employees take them home? Unless you think someone is going to steal them if you leave them out that is…

    2. Why on earth wouldn’t you be able to take them to school? They are not religious in nature, they are, legally, nothing but a card game on par with Pokemon or Magic The Gathering.

    3. They have no “Magical Powers”, they are tools for meditation to help you focus on what is happening in your life so you can work through any problems you have. They can’t open doors to hell, they don’t predict the future, they don’t even tell you what is happening in the present… You interpret them and that process of interpretation gives you a chance to think about what is happening so that you can focus more clearly on solutions and ignore distractions.

    4. I’m glad you have a Rider-Waite deck… That is a really good one. Others are just so commercial. If you are really in to the Tarot, read Piers Anthony 5 book Cluster “trilogy” and the Tarot Trilogy (That is an actual trilogy)

    Cluster [1977] (aka Vicinity Cluster in UK edition.)
    Chaining the Lady [1978]
    Kirlian Quest [1978]
    Thousandstar [1980]
    Viscous Circle [1982]

    Tarot (Written as a single novel which his publisher, Jove, asked him to split up due to length.[2])
    God of Tarot [1979]
    Vision of Tarot [1980]
    Faith of Tarot [1980]
    “Tarot” [1987] Combined the three books, as originally intended by the author.)

    The Tarot series is in continuity with Anthony’s Cluster series, which takes place decades later.

    You can get them online or at used book stores like Bookman’s in the South West or Half Priced Books, etc. etc. etc.

    Those books are what got me in to Tarot.

  • Pearl L says:

    i wouldnt bring them to school, you’ll only be bringing bad spirits there, bad enough you got them at home, id trash them if i was you

  • chicapinguin says:

    Pearl L: No they do not summon demons. You obviously have NO knowledge of tarot and I want experienced tarot users to answer my question.

    Mfh H: Religious people getting offended? Are you kidding me? People make fun of my beliefs everyday. I’d hex them if I could.

    Cat: Yes, I got the Rider-Waite Tarot because I’m a beginner and experienced tarot users recommended it for me. Again, I read an article about how I cannot leave them unattended. I don’t know why but I’ve been leaving them under my pillow wrapped in purple silk while I am away.

    Thank you for your advice. Yours was most helpful and shall be rewarded as best answer.

  • Tarot Friend says:

    Hello. You probably do not want to bring Tarot to school for the main reason that they tend “collect” feelings and emotions, and you do not want to “clutter” them up, so to speak. While they are legally the same as a game, the cards are really in a different category as means of personal and spiritual growth through the contemplation of, and meditation upon, the images and the symbolic clues to the story they tell.

    Your natural instincts are excellent, by the way, and that is the key to understanding the Tarot (follow your heart). Keeping them wrapped in silk is a fine way to “protect” them from picking up unwanted energies, and keeping them under your pillow is in fact a traditional way for a Tarot reader to connect with her cards, as they are above all things windows into dream consciousness and wisdom. As Cat noted, it is fine to leave them, as long as they are well-kept while you are away (even if this is for a long time). In fact, once you have the images fairly well-developed in the mind’s eye, you don’t even really need to have the the physical cards on hand at all.

    A really good book that you may find useful is Mary K. Greer’s “Tarot for Your Self: A Workbook for Personal Transformation.” It has a lot of interesting ideas for using the Tarot, and has essential information on breathing techniques, visualizations, and other tools for exploring the Tarot.

    The creator of the deck you are using (the so-called Rider-Waite deck, which is now commonly called the Rider-Waite-Smith deck) was painted by Pamela Colman Smith. Smith was an member of the Golden Dawn in the early 1900s (an important early pychic group in Britain), and was an artist who, among other things, designed stage sets for the Irish and British theater. You can see these influences in her paintings for the cards, and why she gave such detail to symbols. Wiki has a nice article on her with her photo from around the time she created her famous deck.

    Remember, no card is entirely good or bad. Approach them with positivity and good energy. Like life, they are what we make of them.

    Good luck and best wishes!

    K, aka “Tarot Friend”

  • Biddy_Tarot says:

    It’s OK to leave your cards unattended. There are certainly times when you want to connect with your cards and can do so by sleeping with them under your pillow or near your bed, but it is fine to leave them at home when you go to school.

    Personally, I would leave them at home. Some people unfortunately have some very strong views about the Tarot that may leave you feeling a little cold. So, best to have your cards with you in a safe and trusting environment.

  • Helen says:

    You can leave them unattended at home but you should keep them in a safe place where other people won’t mess with them as is the case with anything you own of personal value.

    Some people say that you should never let anyone else touch your Tarot cards as they can leave negative energy on them (although you can cleanse your cards anytime with a blessing and in other ways).

    Regarding whether you can take them to school, that would depend on the school’s policy about learners bringing any kind of playing cards to school. If it is a Christian school, they may also have religious grounds for not allowing Tarot cards specifically at school.

  • deborahpsycic says:

    psychic here

    And tarot friend had the right idea… I really have never heard of a deck you could not leave unattended unless they were talking about you spending a lot of time imprinting on them.

    I did want to bring up one fact and that is In the US you have rights that protect you against any form of discrimination especial religious beliefs and this falls in that category… if EVER you are told that you can not have your religious beliefs in school “Get a lawyer”

    they can not tell a christian they must leave their bible at home, but I would assume that you should keep them put away in your bag, to keep from causing a distraction and you really do not want others to touch them.

    I hope I was able to help in your search for answers
    read my blog on tarot reading

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