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Tarot Card Interpretation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Would you like to learn to interpret tarot cards? Here’s a short guide that will introduce you to tarot card interpretation.

Method 1

The first method used to interpret tarot cards is the one with which most people are familiar. This technique involves learning the keywords and general meanings associated with each tarot card.

The Rider-Waite deck is one of the most recognized tarot decks in the world. Part of its popularity stems from the fact that so much has been written about the deck, that it is easy to find the keywords and general meanings for each card.

I recommend that beginners start by only using the cards of the Major Arcana. These are the 22 cards numbered from 0 to 21 with names like The Fool, Temperance, Death, and The World. By starting off with only the Major Arcana, beginners are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the number of cards there are to learn.

Step 1: Look at each card of the Major Arcana and make a note about your first impressions of the card. What is the picture in the card telling you? What feelings do you associate with the imagery on the card? Positive? Negative? Neutral?

Step 2: Study each card and the associated keywords that are given to that card. Look to see how the keywords are reflected within the illustration on the card. Remember that the card’s imagery should guide you in interpreting the cards meaning.

Step 3: Continue the process in Step 2 until you feel comfortable giving a basic interpretation of each card of the Major Arcana. At that point, practice giving one card readings. To do this, ask a question and then use your intuition (or “gut feeling”) to draw a card from your deck. (Remember to only use the Major Arcana cards.) Now look at the

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