Question by Andy J: tarot card meanings that are really simple?
can someone type or send me a link that give me the meanings for the cards but in the most simplest way? including the upside down ones aswell? thank you:))
Best answer:
Answer by Slighly Amused
Lay the cards out in a seven card spread one after another.
Card #1 represents the root of the issue
Card #2 – What bring s joy to the situation
Card #3 is what give the issue power
Card #4 is love and how it presents itself
card #5 is communication
Card #6 is pysche or the inutitive process
Card #7 is widsom or the spititual nature of the question
Hope that helps. This is the spread I use mainly.
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Tarot meanings vary from reader to reader and book to book. I suggest you buy the book “Power Tarot” as that is one of the best books I’ve seen for beginners. However, it does not include reversed–upside down–cards. Many advanced readers suggest to those that are just starting to not use reversals. Shuffle in a way so the cards do not get turned around. Many advanced readers will shuffle in a way that they do not get reversals, but if one pops up it is significant and should be looked at.
There are some very good resources out there, but nobody could possibly type all 78 meanings upright and reversed=156 meanings total to be inclusive and to fit in YA!
I suggest you get a good book or two. Also, almost anything by Mary K. Greer is good. She also has a book about reversals. Hope that helps…
I can send you a sample of an application ( copyright held for this ) that I have built, before it goes on to my web site ( app finished… website nearly ). You can maybe let me know what you think before it goes for sale on the site.
Free tarot lessons:
Hello Andy
Tarot cards are far from simple, very complex. The little booklets you get within the decks are as simple as it gets.
I however have an ebook that may do? < Tarot Keywords & Meanings Sadhara
“The Cartomancer’s Key” by Talia Felix has a simple way to read them. You can read some of the book at's+key&source=bl&ots=LAUR51FyQs&sig=op60sWb7Tomrnkg_E3C-OsoNI1Q&hl=en&ei=LiQKSo_0DofotgO1vcWJBg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6
I have simple definitions for cards on my web site (, but these definitions are really only the beginning of learning to read the cards. You have to consider things like how the illustration makes you feel, what colors you see in the cards, symbols, etc.
I have just started a blog where I talk about a card each week. These blogs go into more detail than my website definitions. If you’re interested, you can link to the blog from my site. (Like I said, I just started, so there’s only one entry so far!)
Good luck!