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Tarot Card Meanings: the Suits

The act of fortune telling is something that has been around for a very long time. Certain gifted people have been predicting the future since roughly the fourteenth century. There are many ways of telling someone’s fortune, whether it is by reading their palm, looking into a gazing ball, or reading tarot cards. Tarot cards in particular are among the more complicated and specific ways to tell a person’s future. You might think that tarot cards are just a bunch of cards with cartoon characters on them, not any different from a deck of playing cards, but the fact is, tarot cards are a lot more. Each card has its own meaning all the way from the major arcana cards to the minor arcana cards. The suits in tarot cards are not the same as regular cards. This article is going to explain the meanings for each of the four suits.

Just like in a regular deck of cards, tarot has four suits. Each of the four suits has a meaning and therefore each card has two different meanings, one for the regular and reversed view of the card. The first suit is Wands, and this typically symbolizes growth or energy among other things. Each card can have different card meanings depending on which side is facing upwards. The six of wands for example can mean either good news if turned up or bad news if reversed. Instead of the jack in a regular deck, the tarot card deck has the knight. The knight of wands can mean you are a jealous person or a great friend! Generally, the upright turn of the card is the news that most want to hear. Another suit is Cups, which are very interesting because of their connection to love and a person’s fertility. A good example of this is the two of cups, which can mean love gone wrong, or a new romance is blooming,

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