Tarot Card Online
Tarot Card Online: In the 19th century, many superstitious bodies began formulating and communicating logical information with the aid of Tarot cards. For example, the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’, which broke up at the close of the 19th century had its members take the oath of secrecy.
The coming of the 20th century witnessed the creation of two new versions of tarot cards – Rider Waite created by Arthur Edward Waite together with Pamela Colman Smith; and ‘Book of Thoth’, created by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris. These are the basis of the present tarot cards.
In a group of two stacks, 78 cards are known as Major Arcana’ and 56 cards are known as Minor Arcana’. Arcanum is the Latin word for secret knowledge. Bearing psychological and sacred denotations, the 78 are numbered up to 21, starting from zero and have more significant readings than the 56 cards. Card Number Zero is known as “The Fool” and card Number 21 is known as “The World”, signifying an expedition in the life of a fool.
Minor Arcana has four groups, namely: swords,cups, wands and pentacles and cards in each pack have numbering from 1 to 10 with four court cards. Every pack of cards also depicts a narrative in life. For example, Wand depicts imagination, power and zest in life; sword (reflections and their meaning), cups (course of passion) and pentacles (vanity). King, Queen, Knight and Page consist of the court cards all illustrating individuality, of which there are 16 in tarot cards. Tarot Card Online
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