This video explains how Tarot Card Reading is total waste of money.
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Learn tips on how to find your own personal tarot card deck from a card reading expert in this free tarot card video. Expert: Suzanne Diamond Bio: Suzanne Diamond has been working as a tarot reader and psychic professionally since 1990. She has a 90% accuracy rate. Filmmaker: Grady Johnson
Video Rating: 4 / 5
You dont have to be “Psychic” to read tarot cards. Tarot cards have definitions not tell your future. Alot of people who say “Tarot card reading is bullshit” is misinformed. alot of these “professionals” are reading the cards wrong and inventing their own meaning. =)
ok. i now kn ow tarot is B.S. but, whatt else is a better way to get money than to scam it off the stupid? :/
also You dont have to be Psychic to read Tarot Cards, This man went in not believing and totally mistrust in the cards. The message comes from above, the cards are the tool and we are just the ones who explain the cards for the person the message is for. Thats all.. No Pyschic abilities needed..Those with Intuitive abilities also help the message process. but yes anyone can learn it IF they have faith in what the message is.
Im a Tarot Reader and I don’t make money off it..There ARE people who do use it for money those I would be cautious about BUT tarot readers are real only if they are doing if for the right reasons and people come to me that Ive never met and no nothing about, My card will give me many insights they are not meant for complete answers because everyone has freewill. Tarot cards are more for guidance not for exact path.
well now im gonna slap my gf in the face for believing in this bullshit thank you british guy for proving it wrong
How the hell can you be a “professional” tarot reader? Your essentially a professional bullshit artist.
The problem is not with the cards. They are real . Not everyone can read them .
2:09 “Typical blue/green eyes maybe sort of grey eyes. Or an eyepatch. Or maybe a glass eye. Am I getting warm yet?”
I used to have that book that he holds up near the beginning. For shame.
Are there different ways of reading tarot cards? The last time someone read me the tarot cards they continued without “fishing” and they did it in the form of a pyramid. I don’t know if it was fake or not but some of the stuff he said were true and the people that went with me were even surprised to listen to some of the things he said. Any ideas?
bahaaaaaa, “it would be good if there was, wouldn’t it?!”
Those readers were morons. Everyone who asks money for doing such a thing is obviously a fake, because that alone is a proof that he or she doesn’t really understand what is it about.
If you come to the table as a sceptic you wont get accurate information. I have had a WONDERFUL tarot reading by a woman named Lynn Christie and i can tell you that good Tarot readers are hard to find. But just because you got a bad reading is reflective on YOU , not the cards.
I read the Tarot. There’s nothing fake about it; the problem lies in others’ misconceptions about what the Tarot is and is not, what it is meant to do, and what it is or is not capable of doing. They are not magic. They don’t control your destiny. They assist you in gaining perspective into your life’s challenges and help you see your options. YOU choose where you end up; the Tarot is just the roadmap. They are a valuable psychological tool, but definitely not magical.
Lame! There will always be people who are ignorrant, because they dont understand something they are afraid of It. I use a deck.
i’m a tarot reader, and i can tell you personally that it is not a joke, unless your doing it for money. I do it free. These people are fake psychics.
I am an amature tarot reader and tarot may go aganst everything science has to say, but it is real. Although there are alot of “Tarot readers” who will go “fishing” as you put it, those are the fake ones. Listening to those “profesinals” almost made me sick. There not trained and they probably say the same thing over and over again.
Watching this will tell you it’s fake, but its only fake if you get a crappy reader
Tarot isn’t for prediction, but for understanding the human archetypes.
I wish you people would wake the fuck up and stop wasting your fucking time.
What you are stating is initially true, that is use of the cards at the first level. Then as your abilities increase, through proper use, and living a spiritual life, you SEE more and can have visions because of a spread. Otherwise the cards are literal, not an oracle! Intuition activated plays a huge part, until you get there you are not there.
look the cards don’t tell the future but i use the cards myself all there for is to help provide guidance with a question u have
Metaphysics, Oracles are right brained higher concepts which you cannot prove them true or false with left brained lower mind logic’s. Once while meditating a right (brain practice) a voice told me “tonight you are going to assist in a police arrest.” I thought, this ought to be interesting! Later that evening, it happened..
Energy attracts Energy, if you are looking to prove something is B.S. you will indeed attract to you, those who are B.S. There are also good and bad doctors, dentists, lawyers. To prove a point I had a Tarot reader offer to give me a free reading, there is no possible way she could have come up with the accurate info that she did and I watched her eyes bug out right before giving me info that was unknowable to her unless it came through a higher dimension.
Jodorowsky puts it best: “You must not talk about the future. The future is a con. The tarot is a language that talks about the present. If you use it to see the future than you become a conman. You are just a charlatan.”
it’s really just psychological searching. it acts like a rorschach test, but uses archetypes that reference the human condition. any sort of mysticism is up to the discretion of the reader and the client. anyone can do it. i’ve found it to be a very rewarding mediative process
It’s OK to have an open mind, but not so open your brains fall out.
Which also means it is OK to have a healthy skepticism and not believe everything you hear or read.
By saying one has to have a open mind in order to find out if tarot is true, really says little for tarot as being true on its own – which means it’s basically baloney.
Shouldn’t it be true if one believes in it or not?