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Question by shousei: [Tarot Card] When “the Tower” represents a person, what kind of a person is he or she?
I have a friend whom I’m very skeptical about getting close. When I consulted Tarot cards asking about this friend, I got “the Tower”. Please help advise what does it tell about this person. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Elaine M
It’s someone going through some major life changes where they are questioning everything and nothing seems to be able to go back to what it was. Basically a person who feels like the rug’s been pulled out from under them and they’re ‘falling’.

The transition should not last long, but it depends on the person. Some land on their feet and reinvent their life around them, some take a longer time at it. A person who lost a close friend would be in a tower situation. A person who was shoved out of the house or any of the Katrina victims are in a tower situation. You can see what’s involved if you look at it that way.

But the card is a transition card, it’s not permanent. For the two of you, just be aware that who you see this person being right now is not who they are going to be in 3 or 6 months.

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4 Responses to [Tarot Card] When “the Tower” represents a person, what kind of a person is he or she?

  • Clay says:

    The jist of it is that the person is a radical. They defy old logic and customs and take nothing on principle. Very chaotic personality.

  • Honey says:

    I agree with Elaine, this card represents transition, but reason for caution and or worry.

    I hope you find the answer you seek and peace in your heart.

  • Donna says:

    I don’t like Tarot. Its too damn confusing. So many different interpretations that you cant really trust it.
    Both Tower and lightning are masculine symbols and Mars is the planet linked to this card. Mars represents assertiveness,aggression,energy and activity. In the tarot, the Tower precedes the Star, a card which represents the feminine.
    When you draw the Tower, it’s tarot card meaning is exhilarating,disruptive or even violent change is about to turn your life upside down. But it could also mean that a bird is about to poop on your freshly washed car.
    When the Tower refers to a relationship you are warned that the partnership was not what you really thought it was. The association was not really based on true feelings or perhaps one of you is simply stringing the other along. If the relationship has a strong foundation expect a bumpy ride before things settle down. Basically that’s supposedly the tarot card meaning of the Tower.
    The Tower also denotes a sudden change of residence. Like maybe your’e gonna move out of your house or go on vacation.
    When it concerns your career, you might have been in a rut and this upheaval is giving you the chance to climb out of it.
    Like I said, reading Tarot is like reading the horoscope in the newspaper, it can apply to just about anything or anyone.

  • Life Is... says:

    To pull The Tower when asking a question about a friend suggests that this is not someone you really want to get that close to. They are not what they seem to be on the surface. The key to reading tarot is to see the tarot system as fluid. You take the energy of the card, the question, and the seeker, and add that to the traditional meaning, mix in some intuitive signals, and the answer appears. The basic meaning of The Tower is that someone will undergo a rather earth shattering change in their foundational beliefs. But the question must be considered when reading this card. Clearly, this is not someone you want as a close friend.

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