Question by confused: Tarot Cards?
I wanted to get a deck of tarot cards and wanted to know if there is a difference in the different decks? If so, which is better. Where is the best place to get a tarot deck, and a book explaining what each card means?
Best answer:
Answer by Stormwind
Find a deck that’s appealing to you. That’s the main thing. You can be recommended tons of different types, but if you don’t like the layout, you’re not gonna use it to your full ability. As for learning the meanings, meditate on a single card for a few days to divine its meaning and symbolism, and work that into your own method of using the deck.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I think your name says it all!
No difference. They are all absurd.
raider-waite is the most commonly used, and any deck comes with the book–try http://www.azuregreen,com
Check out it has reviews of tarot decks and sample pics. Just look around and find one that you just connect with and that’s the one for you. There’s really no deck that’s better than another, it’s just a matter of if you feel drawn to a particular deck. Most decks have a little booklet explaining what the cards mean and information about that particular deck, but you could find a book with general tarot information anywhere. Myself, I’ve got the Spiral tarot deck because I really liked the artwork.
Not much difference in the meanings of the cards in different decks.I suppose the choice of artwork is a matter of personal taste.I started off with the Rider-Waite deck, but I have several now. You can get them from any bookstore that sells New Age books.Tarot cards are supposed to work better if someone gives them to you as a gift.
Tarot cards, confused??
They are a phony. Buy a mocha latte, relax and consider all the beauty found in creation, then consider if your Creator is speaking to your heart.
PLEASE do not get into the dark lies of SATAN.
The Bible clearly states that we are not to seek out fortune tellers (seers), soothesayers, etc.
Psalm 118:8 states that we are to seek the counsel of God and not put our complete trust in man, because man will mislead you. AND man is misled by the Devil. Which is why the Devil (a/k/a Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, etc.) is known as the “Great Deceiver’.
You could try at the books store or online book store
It is called
A Tin Of Tarot
It comes with a book and the cards it’s $22.00 Aus
So it maybe cheaper
Love & Blessings
I agree with what someone else said. Find a deck that is appealing to you. The deck you choose needs to reflect some part of you personally. If they don’t… They probably won’t work for you. The different decks don’t really have different “meanings”, but reading your deck can be easier or harder depending on which deck you choose. Some decks are more complex. Most beginners choose to start with a normal deck or a “beginner” deck. I didn’t start with an “easy” deck, however, and I’m doing just fine. It all depends on what you want to do. And all the decks I’ve ever seen came with a small book that tells you what every card means. You can also buy something online if you want a book that will explain the cards better and maybe even give you some spread ideas.
I went to a couple of different shops because there are many different decks — I picked out the design I liked and that was that.
They all come with the instructions inside the box.
One way is to buy them all and do scientifically controlled experiments to evaluate the effect of different types of cards on your individual divination style.
A better alternative is to use whatever brains you may have between your ears to consider whether pretty pictures printed on scraps of cardboard drawn at random from a deck really has any relevance to your life. Think about it, it ain’t rocket science.
There can be some differences in the decks – some cards are illustrated and interpreted slightly differently from deck to deck. But those who said find one that appeals to you and start with that one are correct. I chose mine because I had seen the artwork on several sites and fell in love with it.
If nothing else, book stores like Barnes and Noble and Waldenbooks have tarot decks and books. You can go online to and get them, too. I bought the Osho Zen deck and book for a friend at Amazon.
I like the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the best book is Tarot, a new handbook for the apprentice, by eileen connolly.