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Question by vnss0x: tarot cards?
i’ve been looking at tarot cards and i’ve had a hard time choosing.
some look really nice but seem to lack of symbolic images. which i need since i am trying to learn to read off the cards and not the book.
some have quite a bit but aren’t too pleasing to the eyes.
and some just seem a little big. which i don’t mind too much but considering i don’t have the biggest hands. it would be hard to shuffle.

so. do you have any suggestions?
i only plan on spending as high as

Best answer:

Answer by Rex B
There are tons of different decks to choose from. I don’t understand why you’re having a problem. Go on line. There are so many options. I own probably 40 different decks.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to tarot cards?

  • tobisapphos says:

    one of the most common decks is the Rider-Waite deck:

    I have one of these myself, though I don’t do much tarot. I suggest just going to a store that sells them (they have them at Borders and Barnes and Noble) and looking for one that speaks to you personally. There are some very pretty ones out there. 🙂

  • Sephie'sKris says:

    I find cards that are appealing to you visually help you remember the meanings of the different cards better. Also, ones that fit your path help your memory as well. Example: I’m Hellenistic and so one of my starting decks was the mythic tarot in which each card is related to one of the Greek myths. Try to choose a deck that fits your hand as well as your life.

    This site has a number of decks to choose from and it gives you a good idea of what the images look like but it’s always better to see if you can’t find it at a store (so you can actually see what they feel like in your hands). Try Boarders, Barnes & Nobles and Books-a-million. Depending on where you live they can have a nice variety of decks.

  • Daisy Indigo says:

    I’d get the Rider-Waite deck to learn on, then later get one that is more personalized to you, for example I have a beautiful mermaid deck that I use because it has more meaning to me.

  • han_ko_bicknese says:

    I prefer using either the Rider-Waite or the Crowley Toth Tarot decks. The Rider waite has easier to read symbolism and colours, but the energies in the Crowleys are stronger and more pure (although a bit more confrontational).

    A student of mine does wonderful readings with an egyptian tarot.

    May I suggest posting such a question in science->alternative of folklore in the future. This is not a RS issue.

  • Angel of Darkess says:

    Your deck should “speak” to you so don’t worry if you haven’t found the right deck yet. Amazon has a wide variety of decks that are fairly inexpensive. Also try Good luck.

  • Pam R says:

    Hello Vn

    Lots of choice isn’t there!

    Make sure that you choose what you feel drawn to, so that you can build a strong relationship with them.

    I run a home study tarot course, & the ones used are the Rider Waite – coloured by Mary Hanson Roberts. With the RW you will find many different versions – these ones are pastils allowing all of the detail to be seen.

    The RW were designed to be interactive with the subconscious mind, which understands symbolism greatly. These cards are jam packed with symbolism, which you subconscious ‘gets’ allowing access to your spiritual self easier. They also come in many sizes.

    If you feel drawn to a particular area of life – fairies, native american, even barbie lol you can find tarot cards to match, so you can even have a deck that mirror your beliefs or interests.

    If you find a deck that you like, but they are too big, you do not have to shuffle, you can pay them down on a smooth surface & mix them about or cut the deck, as long as you put chaos back into the deck before hand you will be ok.

    In Peace


  • grelics says:

    This site lists just about every Tarot deck imaginable, with reviews and a sampling of nice sized images:

    To start out with, I would recommend the Rider-Waite. It’s very good for learning and many other decks, or clones, are based on it and its symbolism. Also there are tons of resources for research since it is such a popular deck.

    Good luck and Blessed Be!

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