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Question by &nicole;: Tarot Cards!! I am starting Tarot Card readings, what would be a good set of cards & instruction book to get?
I am in my early teens and I want to start up Tarot Card readings, and what should I get? I don’t want to spend more than dollars on the whole thing, so what should I buy?? HELP please!!

Best answer:

Answer by Anthony
Those are evil! EVIL!

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2 Responses to Tarot Cards!! I am starting Tarot Card readings, what would be a good set of cards & instruction book to get?

  • psychic-junkie says:

    I’m a professional psychic and a psychics’ coach offering lessons on developing psychic abilities. To learn how to develop psychic ability you first need to know how to relax your mind to alpha state then you can practice with your Tarot Cards.

    I call these brainwave levels between Alpha and Theta, in particular 7.8cps, the gateway to the Psychic Realms. The Earth’s heartbeat or pulse, known as the Schumann Resonance varies among geographical regions, but maintains an overall measurement of 7.8 cycles per second. Isn’t it interesting that when we relax and slow our brainwave frequency down to match the electromagnetic pulse of the planet we find ourselves, our deeper selves, meshing with the quantum soup, with the resulting psychic abilities?

    You can go straight my free develop-psychic-ability page here:

    And here is my quick step-by-step script for accessing your alpha state of mind. And you also will find a link for free download of an alpha entrainment MP3

    Here is a free download demo for a great Tarot program. To keep the size of the demo manageable it contains the Rider/Waite deck, the actual program will have 10 complete decks. This Demo version of Tarot is a full working copy for 30 days. So you get 30 days to study meanings and spreads!

  • Heather W says:

    I would start with The Original Raider Waite Tarot Pack which includes the cards and an instruction book. But I would also buy another book as well. Most books are based on Raider Waite deck which are ideal for beginners. But bear in mind that becoming a reader could take a very long time. It’s not just a case of learning the meaning of each card as this changes depending on the other cards in a reading and the situation. You also have to use psychic ability in interpreting cards and this can take years to develop.

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