Tarot is a tool to sharpen your mind.The cards help you look deeper into yourself by imprinting universal human aspects on them.The art work is extremely important too.It’s all about how you relate to the cards at any moment in your life, not how the cards relate to you. Spreads enable you to look at your life in different ways. Qabalah, Numerology, and Astrology are also important keys in order to gain a full picture of your own psyche.They’re not a novelty act.Who thinks so has a novelty mind.
well my mum does tarot i’ve never let her do mine tho, but from what ive heard she gets things pretty damn accurate. she did a reading for this guy who we both only met that day (a friends new BF who we had hardly spoke to) and he came out of the room in tears and said she talked about things nobody could of known but him.
PS im actually really sceptical about things like this even sceptical about religion and stuff but have to admit theres some wierd stuff you cant explain.
The problem with Tarot for divination is the fact, that it is accepted as a divination tool because its so-told ancient origins and connections with people who built the Pyramids or wrote the Bible.
But these connections are a simple lie. If the truth was well-known, that Tarot was created as a card game 500 years ago, it might not be a well running bussines for the occultist industry.
And there are many people who like the truth, and like the Tarot with its 500 years old history and complexity.
pay close attention kiddies, this is a fun way to scam housewives and old ladies and other gullible people out of their money. It’s also probably a great way to get laid, if you play your cards right.
Dullard- a person who is not very bright. A person who evokes boredom. I agree, you are a dullard. As far as retarded card tricks. I do not believe in using tarot for divination. So attacking me about it does you no good. Make that trip to Wal Mart. It might do you some good when you get back to junior high on Monday. Maybe the cool kids will talk to you then.
Thank you for the English lesson. Asshole is a noun too y’know. And I am trying so hard NOT to be one to some of the people on youtube. But they make it very difficult for me to hold my tongue when they act like one.
“Retard” is a noun. It’s commonly used as a metaphor for adults who still think like children. If you still believe in “magic 8 balls”, Santa, or psychics, it’s probably referring to you.
But if you continue with your venacular slanders you can remain ignorant. The internet isnt the end all be all of history lessons. I have found that I learn a lot more about life or subjects when I listen to what other individuals have to say, other than opening my mouth quickly and inserting my foot before I have heard the whole of the matter. Feel free to email me and I would be happy to discuss, debate and argue with respect, patience and an open mind. Maybe you could teach me something:)
But if you continue with your venacular slanders you can remain ignorant. The internet isnt the end all be all of history lessons. I have found that I learn a lot more about life or subjects when I listen to what other individuals have to say, other than opening my mouth quickly and inserting my foot before I have heard the whole of the matter. Feel free to email me and I would be happy to discuss, debate and argue with respect, patience and an open mind. Maybe you could teach me something:)
Retard. Nice adjective to describe someone you have never met. I appreciate your stance on tarot. However, I dont JUST use google to educate myself on subjects. I have been privy to books of antiquity across Europe. Where google is good for some thing. It at best is a watered down version of things at times. Yes, tarot were used for card games. However, that is NOT how they originated. If you would care to have an intelligent email exchange on the matter I will indulge you.
Wow, the people here dont like what you have to say. Too bad they are so closed minded. I checked out the book. It is pricey. But I will add it to my library soon enough. Thanks for the suggestion.
Tarot werent originated for playing games. I will check out this book. But my research says nothing about that.
Tarot were originally large esoteric paintings. The pictures on tarot are to help one open up to the cosmos. They were NEVER meant to divine the future. However, playing cards were the first cards used for divination.
Also, this is a rare and valuable book. The torrent is there because most average people can’t afford to buy it but libraries often order expensive and rare books if persuaded! Do me a favor, if you download the torrent, recommend for purchase at copy at your local library!!
Have any of you even tried looking into playing games with Tarot cards? As mentioned, it’s the real origin behind these cards. The book “A History of Games Played With the Tarot Pack” by Michael Dummett and John McLeod is essential reading on the subject. You can get vol.1 at thepiratebay dot org “/tor/3913821”. Or just go to thepiratebay dot org and search for it under Ebooks.
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Tarot was made for card games, not for divination!
Tarot is a tool to sharpen your mind.The cards help you look deeper into yourself by imprinting universal human aspects on them.The art work is extremely important too.It’s all about how you relate to the cards at any moment in your life, not how the cards relate to you. Spreads enable you to look at your life in different ways. Qabalah, Numerology, and Astrology are also important keys in order to gain a full picture of your own psyche.They’re not a novelty act.Who thinks so has a novelty mind.
For someone to base decisions they make in their life off of some cards is absolutely ludicrous. I can not believe people buy into this non sense.
well my mum does tarot i’ve never let her do mine tho, but from what ive heard she gets things pretty damn accurate. she did a reading for this guy who we both only met that day (a friends new BF who we had hardly spoke to) and he came out of the room in tears and said she talked about things nobody could of known but him.
PS im actually really sceptical about things like this even sceptical about religion and stuff but have to admit theres some wierd stuff you cant explain.
The problem with Tarot for divination is the fact, that it is accepted as a divination tool because its so-told ancient origins and connections with people who built the Pyramids or wrote the Bible.
But these connections are a simple lie. If the truth was well-known, that Tarot was created as a card game 500 years ago, it might not be a well running bussines for the occultist industry.
And there are many people who like the truth, and like the Tarot with its 500 years old history and complexity.
Tarot cards actually were made for games.
pay close attention kiddies, this is a fun way to scam housewives and old ladies and other gullible people out of their money. It’s also probably a great way to get laid, if you play your cards right.
Magic the Gathering, is an awesome card game. A game with Tarot cards — i don’t think it was made for that.
are you sure
oh, i would like to see you read a Cruz de Caravaca spread. You wont find that in books.
Dullard- a person who is not very bright. A person who evokes boredom. I agree, you are a dullard. As far as retarded card tricks. I do not believe in using tarot for divination. So attacking me about it does you no good. Make that trip to Wal Mart. It might do you some good when you get back to junior high on Monday. Maybe the cool kids will talk to you then.
Personality requires belief in retarded card tricks? Damn, I’m a dullard for life.
Look asshole. Go to Wal Mart and buy a personality. You obviously dont have one. You wrote me starting shit. Get a life and leave me alone.
Why not go for it? You are already a moron.
Good luck with the lottery, psychic dawg.
Thank you for the English lesson. Asshole is a noun too y’know. And I am trying so hard NOT to be one to some of the people on youtube. But they make it very difficult for me to hold my tongue when they act like one.
“Retard” is a noun. It’s commonly used as a metaphor for adults who still think like children. If you still believe in “magic 8 balls”, Santa, or psychics, it’s probably referring to you.
But if you continue with your venacular slanders you can remain ignorant. The internet isnt the end all be all of history lessons. I have found that I learn a lot more about life or subjects when I listen to what other individuals have to say, other than opening my mouth quickly and inserting my foot before I have heard the whole of the matter. Feel free to email me and I would be happy to discuss, debate and argue with respect, patience and an open mind. Maybe you could teach me something:)
But if you continue with your venacular slanders you can remain ignorant. The internet isnt the end all be all of history lessons. I have found that I learn a lot more about life or subjects when I listen to what other individuals have to say, other than opening my mouth quickly and inserting my foot before I have heard the whole of the matter. Feel free to email me and I would be happy to discuss, debate and argue with respect, patience and an open mind. Maybe you could teach me something:)
Retard. Nice adjective to describe someone you have never met. I appreciate your stance on tarot. However, I dont JUST use google to educate myself on subjects. I have been privy to books of antiquity across Europe. Where google is good for some thing. It at best is a watered down version of things at times. Yes, tarot were used for card games. However, that is NOT how they originated. If you would care to have an intelligent email exchange on the matter I will indulge you.
YTWatchdawg you are so wrong. Tarot originated for playing games. You retards need to google “tarot” and “history” Tarot was designed for card games
Wow, the people here dont like what you have to say. Too bad they are so closed minded. I checked out the book. It is pricey. But I will add it to my library soon enough. Thanks for the suggestion.
Tarot werent originated for playing games. I will check out this book. But my research says nothing about that.
Tarot were originally large esoteric paintings. The pictures on tarot are to help one open up to the cosmos. They were NEVER meant to divine the future. However, playing cards were the first cards used for divination.
Also, this is a rare and valuable book. The torrent is there because most average people can’t afford to buy it but libraries often order expensive and rare books if persuaded! Do me a favor, if you download the torrent, recommend for purchase at copy at your local library!!
Have any of you even tried looking into playing games with Tarot cards? As mentioned, it’s the real origin behind these cards. The book “A History of Games Played With the Tarot Pack” by Michael Dummett and John McLeod is essential reading on the subject. You can get vol.1 at thepiratebay dot org “/tor/3913821”. Or just go to thepiratebay dot org and search for it under Ebooks.