Tarot Cards Readings From Psychics
If you have ever seen a psychic reading on television or at a fun fair, chances are the psychic will appear to you as a witch-like kind of lady with crystal balls and tarot cards. For sure, the crystal balls and tarot cards are fun to watch. They make the psychic reading more real and tangible. After all, whatever comes from the psychic may be questioned but whatever comes from the spiritual plane must surely be true without question. For these reasons, some psychics like to put on a performance for their audience, luring them into believing that their visions or prophecies must be true, since it’s coming from the crystal balls or the tarot cards.
But bear in mind that regardless of what information comes from the psychic, it’s the psychic who speaks, and not the crystal balls or the tarot cards. Those are just tools to help the psychic keep their concentration. Tarot cards provide a more systematic reading. And that is all that the cards do: provide a system.
True psychics can perform accurate readings with or without tarot cards. Sometimes, tarot cards may even get into the way of accurate readings. For instance, a psychic may sense that the seeker has a throat problem. She tells the seeker about the problem. But what if the seeker asks, “How do you know? Where is the seeker card? Show me!” So if the powers truly lies in the cards, then perhaps the psychic may be able to produce the card. But the truth is, the power lies within the psychic. So with the tarot cards spread out on the table, and none of it is the “throat” card, then the reading becomes less convincing.
Therefore, not all psychics like to use tarot cards when performing readings. But that doesn’t make them less
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