Question by : Tarot Cards – Rider Waite – What manual is best to learn?
I have the tarot cards and the book that comes with them, but it is really hard to decipher. Anyone know of a manual that actually shows photos of each card and interprets each? It is soooooo confusing when I look in this 100 page booklet with no identifying photos, and try and figure out which card is being referred to and how to actually do this!
Best answer:
Answer by fooles.troupe
Have you tried Googling for this info?
Try looking here for a start.
What do you think? Answer below!
1st off understand that it does take time, and practice. One of the best books for a beginner, and that has RWS (Rider-Waite) pixs is Learning the Tarot.
I suggest this book because the layout of the information is really well designed. You can use the exercises or just use the card information pages. The pages for the cards also has room for a person to make their own notes. You can also test it out online 1st. I’ll put the link in the source list. I used the book for about 2 years before I could afford it. It’s always easier to have the actual book, cuz you can’t take a computer to bed with you