Question by Sadhara Satguru: Tarot Cards ~ What Drew You To Them?
I remember my first Tarot experience well
– A friend took out her deck from her bag, we were at work (sciving!) & spiritually I felt a serge of energy & knew that they were going to be a part of my pathway.
Got my first deck the next day – Rider Waites, 20 years later still have them, not usable tho – gone bald!
Whats your memory?
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C – worn them off with shuffling & cleaning.
Best answer:
Answer by Cybele K
Excuse my curiosity …
‘still have them, not usable tho – gone bald!’
what does this mean?
I have a collection of Tarot cards but I collect them for of the art involved not their scrying abilities which I do not believe in.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
i can recall my 1st time with tarots, it was some 12 years ago now i friend showed me his and i was mesmerized with them it was like nothing else mattered but them and now i read for most of my family but i can also read normal playing cards but sadly my 1st deck was destroyed in a fire but i now have a better set i can live with i think would be the best way to say, its funny how things turn out i was so upset about it bu now i know they had there time and i needed a new deck, i also have angel cards which i would recomend to all readers, they are so lovery to read and have no negative feelings to them, mine are old and well worn but still useable, oh dear im going on a bit xxxx
I became interested after I saw my psychic for the first time. She picked up the card “Mystica” for me, and she told me i had special powers and could sense things almost “witchy” but i should use them in a good way. that drew me to wicca, Mystica became my magickal name, and I got interested in tarot. My psychic gave me the kit she started with, and later i bought angel cards, and faerie cards…i plan to get more too. They’re wonderful
A good friend of mine oddly enough, read mine at work also. I was hooked, much like you the energy and way I felt when I shuffled the cards, it just felt right.
My first deck was The Witches Tarot, I still have them in a Celtic pouch next to my bed.
It’s something I felt and still feel I have a natural gift at, at least I am good at something! Lol
I joined a pagan spiritual study group after becoming interested in and learning about Wicca, so this was like 16 or so years ago – there were a couple of Wiccans in the group who really helped me on the start of my spiritual journey. One of them read tarot and she did a reading for me one day. I was in awe over the artwork and the symbolism on her cards and how it all tied together (though I can’t seem to remember which deck she used). Anyway – that was it. I was determinded that some day I would learn how to read tarot and get myself a few decks that I liked.
I learned on the Rider Waite deck, which was also my first deck, but a few years ago my dear friend and High Priestess gave me the Sacred Circle deck for my birthday and it has become my favorite.
What drew me….well in the very beginning it was all to do with my nan actually. She was a natrual born white witch (or psychic) and she told me I had it within me to do as she could….which at the time I disbelieved and thought she was nutts. She told me when I was in my very early teens id meet a woman in my 20’s who would introduce me to wiccan. I forgot about it till the day I DID meet this woman and from there I got into alsorts of things really.
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