Question by Sadhara Satguru: Tarot cards – what drew you to them? No rude answers :)?
I remember my first Tarot experience well
– A friend took out her deck from her bag, we were at work (sciving!) & spiritually I felt a serge of energy & knew that they were going to be a part of my pathway.
Got my first deck the next day – Rider Waites.
Whats you memory?
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Best answer:
Answer by RuneAmok
Nothing that significant – I’ve always been drawn to the “occult” and I happened across a class in tarot that was reasonably priced. I decided to go for it and that was that!
I don’t use them regularly anymore but I’ll still pull them out now and then.
I still use the RW deck because that’s what I learned on. Without using them regularly I find that I will completely forget what I learned unless I have the same visual to prompt me.
What do you think? Answer below!
got my first and only deck 5 years ago, the Waite deck
i cant honestly say what drew me to them, they just kinda appeared in my life and it made sense, and even to this day i learn something new every time i use them. ive recently been getting into the Kabalistic meanings hidden in the cards and it has opened up a whole new world of understanding for me.
im just glad i didnt live 300 years ago, cause i would have been burned at the stake so quick lol