Question by Sadhara Satguru: Tarot cards – what drew you to them? No rude answers :)?
I remember my first Tarot experience well
– A friend took out her deck from her bag, we were at work (sciving!) & spiritually I felt a serge of energy & knew that they were going to be a part of my pathway.
Got my first deck the next day – Rider Waites.
Whats you memory?
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Best answer:
Answer by wolfmankurd
I tought they looked pretty not to mention the mystique and transforms any slight of hand magic trick into eery stuff. Not to mention it’s fun to cold read.
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I first used them because I was lost in life,
I used them like most people would use a coin to make a decision, who would have thought that they would be so insightful.
They were in the wrong bin.I meant to pick up a pinochle deck.
My very first pack was an include in a board game (name left out to avoid conflict). They were sort of neat looking, but I didn’t do anything with them.
When I started studying Wicca I picked up a White Ryder deck and that has been eerily accurate.
Since then I’ve picked up a Dragon deck and a Mage deck, but I still work best with the Ryder one.
I had a great aunt by marriage she was married to my granddads brother. she read regular playing cards with such great accuracy that I decided to try the tarot. I am not as good as she was though.
I have always felt an attraction towards divination and any related tools -even when I was a child I used to try to move things with my mind and figure out events before they happened.
I got my first deck when I was 16 and mostly went by the little booklet that came with it to do mini readings for myself and some close friends.
But one day at a youth retreat, the priest went on and on about the “dangers” of tarot and how its the devil’s work.
Well I was young, so it sufficiently scared me enough that I went into confession crying. He told me because of what I had done I was going to hell and there was nothing I could do about it.
So when I got home I threw my deck in the garbage.
Later, when my grandmother found out – she was upset with me for throwing them out and said that they should only ever be given away – not thrown in the garbage – if you don’t want them anymore. (that confused me as she is very Catholic, so I didn’t expect her to say something different from the priest)
She also expressed a little disappointment that I listened to what the priest said instead of making my own decisions.
That opened up the door for her and I to have some incredible conversations.
Then when I turned 25 one of my favourite Aunts passed away. She had been a nun for 23 years. And guess what she left me?
Her own secret tarot deck – which she had used for over 30 years without any of us ever knowing about it.
So I took that as sign and started studying and practicing in earnest.
12 years later its now a significant part of my journey and what I do. So I am grateful for the support of family members who taught me how to make my own decisions and encouraged me into areas that I was naturally interested and talented in.
Thanks for the invite to your group, I will check it out and probably join – it sounds very interesting.
hi pam,
i like this question, ill try and keep it simple and short…
ive never been into tarots or ever really had anything to do with them…ive had an on going problem over the past couple of years, concerning someone, being trying to seek the truth to a matter…last year i recieved a couple of angelic messages.. and was drawn to angels, as i started to research further into angels, i came across an artical, on Doreen Virtue and her angel oracle cards..all i did was, i thought “wow id love to get a set of those cards”…. i never told anyone about them cards, actually i forgot all about them, as time went by….
my step father, who knows nothing about anything of this matter, nor has he ever bought me anything…. he was out shopping one day, and something caught his eye, he had no idea what it was, but he got a strong feeling, that he should buy the little box, and got the feeling that he should give it to me…first time ever….
so i was sitting at home one day, and he came in and said to me, ” i dont know what this is, but i feel you might find some use for it” when i opened the box, i thought “no way” it was the angel oracle cards…i got them about a year later after reading that artical, and i never told anyone…. thats why i feel they are very special to me, and have bonded with them quite well…. they were meant for me, just in how i got them, really has amazed me….
i always give my sisters a reading, and they are always right on the mark with everything, i usually just pull out one card, every once and a while, just to see where things are going….and they are always right…. they actually answered my questions…. the very first card i ever pulled out, the day i got them, the card was right on the problem i was having….i could not believe it…it was like they were sent to me, to answer my questions…… funny thing is a couple of months before i got them, i had two names whispered to me while i slept, voice was so clear, first time i ever got up and wrote something down, from my sleep….the names Serena and isabella were whispered to me, and i wrote them down, and when i got the cards it was the first thing i checked, to see if any of the angels were named serena and isabella…and yes they were, they are in the deck….wow…..
i made friends with a girl from here in yahoo, she was having some problems, and i started doing her some readings, just experimenting, and we both couldnt believe at how acurate her readings were, and the advise the cards would give her….she went out and bought her own deck, same as mine, she was drawing to many cards and everynight, i told her she wasnt giving the cards any time to work, so i would get her to do her self a reading, just pulling out one card, to give her some guidance, to a situation….and then id normally pull one out for her as well, and most of the time say 7 out of 10 id pull out the same card as hers……
ive never been taught to do readings, but ive really bonded with these cards, and i can honestly put my trust in them…….