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Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book]

Rating: (out of 4 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 28.20

Price: CDN$ 17.80

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4 Responses to Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book] Reviews

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book]
    Everyone should be aware that the book that comes with this set is an abridged version of Tarot for Dummies. It contains 100 fewer pages than the original and is missing Chapters 10-12, 14-17.

  • Seiya Die-hard Fan says:

    Review by Seiya Die-hard Fan for Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book]
    This book is easy and great for beginners. As a tarot fan for 2 years I recommmend this book which comes with a deck of Waite Tarot( It saves you a lot of money so you don’t have to buy another deck separately). This book does not really teach you how to interpret cards, it just let you think and make your own decision…. Also, the author does not really believe tarot is a tool for telling the future. In fact, she defines tarot as a tool for understanding subconscious. It only teaches you few spreads. That’s why it got 4 stars, not 5 stars. Besides that, this book is very good!

  • Dr. Beth Hedva says:

    Review by Dr. Beth Hedva for Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book]
    I have been working with the tarot for 40 years and was looking for a book to recommend to my students. So many books on the tarot are limited in scope,(focusing only on the major arcana or the minor arcana) or geared toward readings with one-line interpretations that are less than accurate.

    The author has captured the essence of perennial philosophy and ancient mystical traditions (including kabbalah, numerology, astrology, colors, and mythic images) in an easy to read concise fashion to give you tools for unlimited exploration and personal growth.

    Instead of ‘quick fix’ answers, this book teaches students to understand symbols and to discover personally meaningful answers that give a person not only guidance about one’s life, but also award the reader with insights into one’s inner strengths, in order to make good choices and deal with life in positive ways. I put this book on par with Angeles Arrien’s The Tarot Handbook which is based on the Thoth Deck.

  • exstellis says:

    Review by exstellis for Tarot Deck & Book Set for Dummies [With Book]
    Ms. Jayanti is big on the history of tarot cards and obviously a psychology buff. She interprets the cards as a psychologist might see Rohrschach ink blots. “I don’t work with the tarot to predict the future,” she says. Tarot is a great teaching tool for substance-abuse counselors, according to this author. She lets the client do the interpreting of the cards as pretty pictures, much as a psychiatrist might ask a patient to interpret ink blots. This author calls it a “fallacy” that some think tarot readings help you find out about your future. To her, the cards are merely a symbol system that can assist you in understanding yourself — and you can forget about predictive readings for others. “Lighting candles or saying prayers” to her is “just plain ignorant.”I’ll take a book that tells me how to read the cards. If I want psychoanalysis, I’ll go to a psychiatrist.

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