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Tarot For All Seasons

MAGIC IN THE AIR…The Goddess flows in constantly moving spirals. She brings forth life and takes it back again into Her womb to be reborn. Power and strength are in Her bosom. Creativity, abundance, healing and wisdom are Her gifts. Playing with the tarot cards is a simple, but powerful, way to create a seasonal connection with the Mother. We can honor the days and nights of power with tarot images and other festivities. The universal pictures of tarot awaken an inner knowing and we begin to recognize the profound meaning of the seasons. When we embrace the never-ending cycle of life, death and rebirth, we are free to celebrate the joy of being alive in the moment of the present season. No prior knowledge of the tarot cards is required to use this book. Tarot for All Seasons covers the history, mystery and lore of the Sabbats, esbats and tarot. You will explore ritual design, use the cards for group wisdom, learn how to get the most from sample readings and throw three-card spreads for more information about any card in a layout. In chapter three, "Enchanted Nights", you find the new, full and dark moon spreads. "Darkness into Light" offers layouts for Samhain through Ostara. "Day Into Night" completes the Wheel of the Year with layouts for Beltane through Mabon. Sample readings follow every spread in the book. "A Year and A Day" concludes your journey with ideas on dedicating yourself to the magical study of the tarot. For your convenience, the appendix, "Engaging the Magic" lists the meanings of all the tarot cards, but please: use them only as guides to launch your own glorious exploration. Use any tarot deck that appeals to you. The Goddess offers joy and affirmation of the spirit to those who go forth boldly. Join Her now as you explore the sacred days and nights of power through the magic of tarot. Merry Meet…
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Price: 12.98

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