Old video from finnish metal band Tarot, year 1987.
A reading on what love holds sign by sign for this time I am using the Love The deck of destiny by Roxy O Reilly love em this is a time of passion .. so take some steps to indulge your particular passion .. remember ‘and it harm none ‘.. then its all good
If this song came out three years earlier Tarot would have ruled the world.
I still can’t believe that is marco o.O he got a totally different voice now…anyway Tarot rocks m/
OMYFUCKINGGOD this is marco hes hair omfg now marco is great and I love Tarot I have marco hair XDXD
Hyvä ilme solistilla kohdassa 3:00. Katsoin sitä videolta hidastuksella niihin aikoihin, kun biisi oli uusi. Muistatte varmaan…
OMG i cannot believe this is Marco…. Wtf!?!??!
much better then old nightwish
Sounded great then too…but OMG, scary looking!
Marco without beard is even scarier than with that awesome beard
Delain Feat. Marco Hietala – Control The Storm
Delain – Nothing Left [ft. Marco Hietala Nightwish]
Marco Hietala pley Noter Kings Tarot Nightwish and Sapattivuosi
Haa poodle hair!!
first off nightwish may have been dead,but they were reborn and in my opinon as a better band.the,however,is a topic for anther place.
but dude marco sans beard and a makup job away from from being dee snyder is just wrong.the talent is undeniable but the look is horrible and i’m a child of the 80’s
Thanks for that catch there Daudiu.. Nightwish WAS the best.. they are all but dead now.
has anyone the bass and tabs or a link to find them
In the minute 1:41 both Zachary and Mako do a great stunt with their guitars =)
Marco looks so different with big hair and no beard
I can’t stop listening to this, it’s so catchy.
kick ass song! cant say the same bout their look! shit Marco with his coverdale-bonjovi hair style damn!
lol Nightwish is the best power symphonic metal band (well it was when tarja was the lead singer)
nightwish? What’s that?
Tarot is one of the best heavy metal bands in the world. Finland is the Land Of Heavy Metal!
my favourite tarot songs
lol Marco
Awesome! Tarot is really one of the best metal bands in the world!