This Tarot themed wheel wheel was made by Ami from Soma Loca. It is the second in a series of three based on her favourite images from the major and minor arcana, (with some wack and psychedelic filler thrown in for good measure – like the Andy Warhol soup cans at the bottom. It’s a fantastic sight when all three are being projected through wide angle lenses (30mm) and cover a huge wall then crawling across the ceiling. As ever the footage doesn’t do this wheel justice as it sucks out the coulr and misses the wonderful detail at the bottm of the image.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
When you are ready Cast the spell then Draw three cards from your pack, Cast, Oh Psychic Vision with ability to see Mental images from my dream, Tarot cards gather and collect to convey to indicate what my dream meant this day, As i pic cards three show me the begining middle and end, To these cards my dream message lend.
Video Rating: 5 / 5