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Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck

Rating: (out of 8 reviews)

List Price: CDN$ 18.80

Price: CDN$ 12.67

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5 Responses to Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck Reviews

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck
    I had been looking for months to find the perfect deck for me. I am a fantasy lover and this was MORE then I could have asked for.I was looking for something that had moons, dragons, unicorns and more. I really wanted a deck that was ME and something that I felt close to. I was beginning to lose hope of finding this perfect deck. Then I saw ‘Tarot of a Moon Garden’ deck and instantly bought it.I was even MORE surprised when I received my deck. The bright, detailed pictures left me breathless. Each cards was unique and creative. Truly an amazing deck for the fantasy lovers.

  • Kelly L. ( says:

    Review by Kelly L. ( for Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck
    I fell in love with the beauty of these cards in a bookstore. I raised an eyebrow at first when I saw that they were populated by dragons and unicorns and other denizens of fairy tales, but this is not a reason to look down on these cards. When we read tarot, we tap into our subconscious mind for answers. Our subconscious minds are full of mythical beasts like unicorns. If they weren’t galloping around in the collective unconscious, there wouldn’t be tales about them going back to Biblical times. Plus, the familiarity we have with such animals from childhood helps us interpret them. When Sweikhardt says that dragons represent danger and temptation, we intuitively understand! When we see a castle on the horizon in a card, just visible through a mire of forest, we remember Sleeping Beauty’s prince and his determination. Fairy tale images may seem childish on the surface, but they stir up deep currents within us. And when your subconscious is fully involved, you’re often going to get an eerily accurate reading.One touch I love in these cards, especially as a witch and a worshipper of the moon goddess in her phases, is that almost every card in the deck has a moon somewhere in the scene. “Positive” cards, those which indicate growth and joy, tend to have waxing moons on them. The Ten of Swords, Death, and other traditionally “negative” cards bear a waning crescent. Many Major Arcana and cards indicating major forces at work have a full moon illuminating the scene. And what’s even more fun: When the cards are reversed, a waxing moon becomes a waning moon and vice versa, showing the reversal of the energy the card represents! I love this deck. It’s not for everyone. If you sneer at anything that smacks of your childhood dreams, this deck is not for you. If you want to tap into the power of those old dreams, give it a try.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck
    This deck is definately one to please the young at heart and lover of faeries, the moon and other mythical things. It’s symbolism is very helpful when doing readings, and as lovely and beautiful as it is, it does have a serious approach where needed. Without being explicit or morbose. I wouldn’t recomend this deck for those who bend towards the “Serious” type of decks. But certainly for those who love beautiful and fantastical art.

  • Anonymous says:

    Review by for Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck
    This deck is incredibly feminine. The colors are more pastels, with lots of pinks and purples. Faeries, dolphins, unicorns, etc. abound, but are actually quite pleasing to those of us who adore those creatures. I have found this deck to be incredibly accurate. Although it wasn’t my first deck, it was the first deck I became serious about. I’ve had it for at least three or four years, and I actually became quite popular for my accurate readings with this lovely deck. It’s fairly easy to work with, and the cards are an appropriate size. The artwork seemed a bit childish to me at first, but it really has a feeling of fantasy that fits it. I recommend it for collectors and those who have a special fondness (passion, perhaps?) for faeries, unicorns, dragons, etc.

  • Moonie :0) says:

    Review by Moonie :0) for Tarot of a Moon Garden Deck
    I love this deck! While it depicts a world of fantasy, it recognizes that we must live in the “real” world. The symbolism of this deck is not traditional. As I am an “alternative” reader, I find these symbols very easy to interpret. While the artwork doesn’t show graphic scenes of death and destruction (ie: 10 of Swords), it doesn’t ignore the harsher realities of life.This is an advanced deck, and not generally a good choice for beginners. However, I find this deck easy to read, very effective, and extremely accurate. Don’t hesitate to add it to your collection!

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