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Tarot of Transformation

The Tarot of Transformation deals with life?s possibilities, hardships, and challenges in a way that encourages creativity, wisdom, and maturity. For centuries, people have been using ? and adapting ? the 78 cards of the tarot to point the way in their lives. Now from psychologist, Cori, and artist, Arlenea, comes a brand new deck, not so much for telling what will be, but for helping us focus on what can be. While gently counseling readers to accept what is, The Tarot of Transformation encourages readers to get in touch with their own creativity and passion. This new interpretation, steeped in tradition but vibrating with contemporary appeal, offers new possibilities for guidance and change. Arlenea and Cori have rendered the system of archetypes in the major arcana anew for our times ? the traditional Emperor becomes the Green Man, which presents male authority not as ruler, but as an intimate, natural fathering role. The Empress is Earth Mother. The usually male Hierophant becomes a group of spiritual teachers. The Tarot of Transformation speaks to this age and its challenges. With brilliant colors and powerfully evocative symbols, Arlenea?s images are modern, cross-cultural, and visionary. In the accompanying book, Cori draws from an eclectic blend of spiritual traditions including Buddhism, Hinduism, Vipassana meditation, and Karma Yoga, as well as psychotherapeutic approaches, such as Gestalt, Bioenergetics, and the Hakomi Method to describe the meaning of each card.
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