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Tarot Reading The History Of The Cards

The fascinating art of Tarot reading has an amazing history. But, where did Tarot cards originate? Some speculate that Tarot may have originated in Egypt but there is no concrete evidence to support these claims.

Although, the standard playing cards migrated to Europe in the late 14th century with the Mamelukes of Egypt, it is a stretch to say they invented the Tarot deck, card games, or divinatory practices associated with it. In fact the modern Tarot deck as we know it today is a collection of images and symbols from a wide variety of cultures, from ancient Greece, Romania, Norway, India, Egypt, Italy, and France.

Some people speculate that Pythagoras, one of the first gurus of modern day esoteric philosophy and practices, may have invented the precursors to Tarot through his work with mathematics, music, tetractys, and Numerology.

According to the most accurate historical data available modern day Tarot cards originated in Northern Italy. The oldest surviving Tarot cards, called the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck, were created in the mid 15th century. This sixty-six card deck based on the “carte da trionfi” or triumph cards were designed and painted for the Visconti family the rulers of Milan and one of the most prestigious families in Italy.

These cards were designed to be played as a trick based card playing game with trumps called Tarrochi. This game spread slowly across Italy and mostly in the upper stratum of society. This was because pre-printing press hand manufactured cards were quite expensive and news traveled fairly slowly in those days.

It appears that in 1450 there was an Italian jubilee year with many festivities and pilgrims

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