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interpreting tarot cards continue to change to catch up with the culture it is living in. The change in meaning can also contribute to the evolution of the card itself. The elements of a tarot card today are far different from what it was before.

Many tarot readings are done face to face. You can find someone who reads tarot cards in your local area by searching online, checking local listings or asking at an occult bookshop. You should come prepared with a question or query much of the time, and may find that while you can gain some useful insights from a reading, it is more a perceptive tool than a truly esoteric one. Each tarot reader has their own preferences with regard to how they lay out cards and read them; however, you can reasonable expect that a more complex and time consuming reading will be more costly.

Card readings over the telephone are conducted much the same way that card readings face to face are conducted. A querent (caller) will call into a reader, and the reader will ask the caller to concentrate on a question that he or she wants answered or clarified. The card reader then shuffles the cards and lays them out in a particular pattern. Popular patterns include a single card reading, a three card reading, and a Celtic Cross reading, which is a reading of 10 different cards. The card reader will examine the symbolism in each card, in addition to the card position to conclude what the cards convey.

Tarot cards have a long history, both as a simple card game and as a tool for divination. The modern usage of these cards is purely esoteric. If you are interested, you should keep in mind that tarot cards are only as helpful as the reader is perceptive, and that while you may leave with some

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