Uroboros, a serpent swallowing its own tail, is symbolic of the cycles of the universe which The Magician aligns himself with. This energy is limitless, and the uroboros around his waste shows his control over this energy. There are other symbols on the card as well. The lilies and roses that adorn the card are symbolic of purity and innocence. The Magician’s gesture towards the earth with his left hand also seems to show that he has power over the physical world.
When using the tarot for divination this card can have a few different meanings. Among them the card can represent skill, diplomacy, self confidence, and willpower. Alternate meanings can include pain, loss, and disaster. These meanings go back to the older symbolism of the magician as more of a sleight-of hand artist. The magician can also simply be a representation of the Querent himself.
If the Tarot interests you please consider looking at the Meaning Of Tarot Cards, or my growing website for new users of tarot cards- The Tarot Guide
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