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Tarot live in Kuopio, Finland for the Undead Indeed DVD. The words that marco speaks before the song are as follows: Now we’re going further than the outer space. There’s a wormhole, a jump into the future or the past, whereever To the heart of a dark star. This is ASHES TO THE STARS!!!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Tarot: Undead Indeed 13 Ashes to the Stars

  • insightliviu says:

    Tarot kicks major ass!

  • reno115 says:

    i wanna hef sex with this song
    fucking awesome

  • Rivirland says:

    And Delain. And he plays bass and sings awesome at the same time and he is just awesome and he has an awesome beard and he rules the world and should be the next president of every country. Done.

  • rodeodeodeo says:

    uhm a band from Holland delain He helps them with sining And Bass too
    Marco H Is King!.
    Stay metal Folks^^

  • AnnaPocalypse says:

    Ah, I see. Marco makes me happy. =] xx

  • pake321 says:

    It is not the same, in this case the finnish word for that is “mihin tahansa” or in other cases “missä tahansa”. Marco just wanted to mix finnish and english, which very common here in Finland among youngsters.

  • Daudiu says:

    hes awesome and he sings in Sinergy too XD

  • Daudiu says:

    Sinergy? XD

  • AnnaPocalypse says:

    I love how “wherever” is the same word in Finnish as it is in English lol. xx

  • AnnaPocalypse says:

    He has twin boys. They’re spitting images of him! xx

  • jontte99 says:

    marco is my fucking idol! i can’t believe how ONE guy can sing and play in several bands ( nightwish, tarot, sapattivuosi, northern kings.. what else?) and be father and a married man at the same time! it’s just fucking unbelieveble. marco 4ever yeaahhhh 🙂

  • Eidolon234 says:

    Ah, dude. Zachary’s guitars are the fucking coolest.

  • akos0011 says:

    Marco is the best. He is my ideal in the music. ,,/

  • NoobTuber1995 says:

    Finland has very many good heavy metal bands… Sonata Arctica, Teräsbetoni, Charon, Tarot… What happens when u combine The best heavy singers from Finland? The answer is Northern Kings…
    Finnish Heavy Metal FTW!

  • huskar23 says:

    Yep i just found out now :D.. i listen to nightwish for 5 years and tarot for 2-3 years and i didnt knew that marco is married ^^.. :p

  • Chiara2703 says:

    You just found out:-)? Yep, he´s married and has two kids…

  • huskar23 says:

    marco is an undead god !

  • huskar23 says:

    marco is married?!:O, cool

  • jontte99 says:

    nice headbanging from that guy ;)) :DDDDD

  • borokaro says:

    looool 3:33 —- 3:36 hahah

  • Chiara2703 says:

    Yeah, you´re right, every dick can call himself a rocker but Marko is just THE METALHEAD;-)…

  • SEVIL999 says:

    it´s not called rocker. He Is A Metalhead

  • Chiara2703 says:

    Yeah, the only perfect guy on the earth and he is married, dammit:-(

  • 1AzureSky says:

    Maybe. Marco is just naturally perfect.

  • Chiara2703 says:

    Or he just doesn´t care that much about every single tone, he´s a real rocker after all and rockers mostly aren´t perfectionists:-)… Marko´s singing is very close to perfection, though…

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