Great song from Tarot, performed live Marco Hietala rocks in the bass and vocals, as good as in Nightwish! Enjoy =)
Tarot College Course 101 – Lesson 2
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Great song from Tarot, performed live Marco Hietala rocks in the bass and vocals, as good as in Nightwish! Enjoy =)
Tarot College Course 101 – Lesson 2
Video Rating: 3 / 5
this is from the concert named : Tarot – Undead Indeed , i listen it every day
@Claudjielle Concordo plenamente, Claudjielle! Totally agree!
woooow, i didn’t know this song from tarot,
it’s really fantastic
(i love marco’s voice, i mean WHO DOESN’T?!?!?!)
marco’s voice+ his bass sound are so fuckin killer…im usually into much heavier stuff… but i always seem to come back to projects with marco in them to hear that bass:D:D:D its orgasmic
cool key solo but im not a fan of the key intro yet but the singing and guitars are great.i love the hammond b3 sound like deep purple uses or derek sherenian from dream theater .hes a good key player but jordan rudess is the bomb!
wahh wanna see them live!!!
they rock!
listen to Ripper Owens he is a great metal singer to. Go Marco!
Yeah I agree with you .They used to be better with Tarja but things have changed
Tarot is better than Nightwish
lol, i was searching for UK subs’ warhead but this video is funny as shit. haha made my day.
This is probably one of the best videos on YouTube.
Gogo Marco! I wish of becoming as good as Marco one day.
Techno hairy metal… thrash dead metal rules
I agree, Marco is a wonderful, and beautiful , singer !!
I agree. And nobody would make that great live performance…
Somebody has no ears down here i see. Or something is wrong anyway , seriously. Marco is one of the best metal vocalists of our time,.
I love Marco’s overdriven bass sound!
he is my influence…not one of them:X:X:X…..
what the heck….this song is one of the best songs of his….for godsakes his bands made me buy the same bass-guitars that he uses….and i gotta’ say they do come in handy
our god
hey fuck you! you dickless son of a bitch! how fuckin’ dare you say tarot sucks? you stupid fuck! i’ll burn you alive if i ever see you…..marco hietala is a masterpiece…a god…he looks down to jesus like to a pawn…listen to his voice and his bass
omfg, worhead of venom sucked so hard!it was just some shit…
man, this band owns ….