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Question by Tarot-Student: Tarot: What is a good site or good book that will have detailed/deeper meanings of tarot cards?
I have come across a few site and books but they all have different meanings for each tarot card……in some ways i could say i’m getting confused. Or if there is a question about love or career….some of the card meanings at least from what I am able to understand are not even relevant to a love or career question. What do I do? Help please!

Best answer:

Answer by gypsy belle the emo out in space
tarot for dummy’s is a good one to start out with. I’m not joking it can help you if your just starting out.

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9 Responses to Tarot: What is a good site or good book that will have detailed/deeper meanings of tarot cards?

  • belo says:

    are you aware this is an occult practice bible forbidden.

  • Kaija says:

    Many of the cards have similar meanings at their core.. however, what matters is how YOU see the cards.

    For example: The magician.. EVERY time I find it in one of my readings it means someone who is cleverly decieving.. or playing a prank.. (generally it is someone cheating on the person I am reading for, but not always) .. however, the meanings vary in the books.. it can be someone who is studying … (in some positions studying noble things, others not so much)..

    One thing you want to do, is learn what they mean for you.. find books/sites that give detailed stories.. (such as the book that comes with the Mythic tarot deck which gives mythological stories that correspond with the meaning).. then figure out what you see in the story that fits the situation you are reading..

    a book I would recommend is called A Magical Course in Tarot .. which is about a more instinctive method of tarot reading..

  • master_of_the_magicians says:

    Tarot; is a word that means Wheel of the Law or ROTA TORA TAROT, It is a collection of the principals of every thing and and the functions of all things.
    There are not many good books on the subject because a lot of the people writing have guessed at meanings for things they don’t understand, and the result is a wide variety of answers or meanings for any given card with no reason for the meanings.

    The Tarot deck is divided into two major groups, ( the Major Arcana And the minor Arcana.) And 4 suit, that corespond to ordinary playing cards, ( THE SWORDS which are Spades of playing cards, represent Fire which is a code word for spiritual, which is the the beginning phase of anything. As the cards look at many things simultainously in sociaty the card of the sword suit represents the ruleing class of people, or authority. Kings Queens Police Judges ect…)
    ( The next suit is THE WANDS which are Clubs in playing cards, represent Air which is a code word for thought which is the second event necessary for somthing to occur. In sociaty this card represents the Priest class of people, which include but are not limited to teachers, students, priests, scientists, ,writers ect…)
    ( Next is the suit of CUPS which are Hearts in a deck of playing cards, represent Water which is a code word for passion (that is to say Emotion that compells Action) In sociaty this suit of cards represent the Merchant class of people, which include, bankers, investors, retail merchants people with money ect…)
    ( Next is the suit of PENTICLES which are diamonds in a deck of playing cards, represent Earth which is a code word for materialization (the making of somthing solid and real) in sociaty this card represents the Working class of people, all who labor for the profit of others or wage earners, people working as builders, bakers, painters, cashiers, ect…)
    Those are the suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, 56 cards divided into 4 suites, The only differance between playing cards and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the addition of Knights in the suit. For example the Diamond suit of ordinary playing cards has a Jack a Queen and a King, where in the coresponding Tarot Suit of Penticles has a Page a Queen a Knight and a King.
    For playing cards the Knight is not even missed but in Tarot the Knight represents a person or event that is very powerfully a representation of the principal of the suit, in the case of penticles for example the knight represents either the large gain or loss of Money or messages concerning money gain or loss depending on the other cards in the reading.

    Weather a card is rightside up or upside down has to do with the meaning being good or bad. If the card overall is thought of as a difficult card and is upsidedown in the spread it usually retains its original meaning but to a lesser extent. An example of that would be the 5 of Swords, having a traditional meaning of great loss or burial. Reversed or upside down this card does not mean to find or uncover somthing, it mearly means that the extent of loss is not great or much less than the rightside up fortelling.
    The Major Arcana have less flexability. there are 22 Cards that corespond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet and the numerical values and hierogliphic symbols that are associated with each letter.
    There are 21 numbered cards and the Zero which is refered to as the Fool. The occult meaning of this card is far from the traditional thinking of what a fool is. Basically it is the potential to demonstrate truely godlike powers by a person that does not in anyway clue how they did what they did, it is sometimes thought of as a intervention by God in the interest of an ordinary person.
    It is possible with the quatrain design of the Tarot to describe the assembly of atoms, Where the suites represent positive, negative, neutral, particals and their assembly into the 4th part; Atoms.
    Or DNA where A,C,G,T the 4 letter alphabet of DNA discribe the path and construction of life.
    Or E = MC squared, the complete interchangability of matter and energy through 4 paths.
    The design of Tarot Can be used to look at the Shaktras or centers of motivations and how they interact with each other within one being or from one being to another. The entirety of mathematics and georetry can be described by the interplay of the cards.
    The Knowledge of the Past, Present, and Future can be decomposed , seen, and predicted by this powerful tool.
    The secretes of this ancient Knowledge make themselves known to those who study the world through the lens of the Tarot. All together the 156 primary principals that operate in the world can be built up into giant complexes of interaction and all can be understood by knowing how to read this deck of 78 cards.
    It is unfortunate that most people are concerned only if so and so loves them or if they will get that high paying job or is the realm of parlor tricksters and game players, they have a rightful place but there is more to the Universe.

  • Sadhara Satguru says:


    78 Degrees of Wisdom, books 1 & 2 are excellent! Rachel Pollock.

    You can always join my forum, we will always help where we can ~ Free Forum ~ Tarot & Lots More …

    See you there!


  • str458 says:

    I got paid for fortune telling and Tarot is my learning ground. I recommend you download free demo to get the information you want then brush up your skills with any regular 78 card deck with included card directory. When you read fortunes (yours or another) narrow your scope down to two or three references for instance health money and current project (dieting, romance, vacation … something along those lines) you will be able to detect which way the future is headed based on suit and in most cases the closer to the ace the rank is the better the situation, because aces are the best in the newest of situations. … you’ll see (demo is free for thirty days, no deposit or credit card just verify your email to get download, then print/copy the dickens out of it before the time expires!)

  • energytherapies says:

    all of the tarot cards can be broken down to influence and or action. there are really only a few words that match these and you will find consistency throughout books and sites that have meanings.

    the deeper of more complex aspects appear relevant to the querant and the other cards drawn around it, confusion from having too many and in some cases contradictory meanings comes from here.

    once you have identified the base influence of the cards you need to start looking at that in relation to the question and any other cards in the draw, what position it holds, and hopefully your intuition or expertise is such that you can pull a cohesive and meaningful interpretation from this information.

    if you go through the book you have and check it against an online site with meanings for that card you can note the similarities and write them down.

    for example the lovers is a card of choice, no matter what the question it indicates a choice is being made, has been made, is to be made, between one thing and another. often love is in the equation, but in a career question this could be moderated to preference, or it can be a choice between love(family) and hours applied to work, etc. no matter it is still a card of choosing between one thing and another.

  • Lori G says:

    I can highly recommend this site:
    You will find everything you need to know about Tarot there. Read and join the forums – there are plenty of beginners there so you are not alone.
    Bear in mind that the meanings in books are only the interpretations of that author which is why the meanings are different for each book. Every reader has slightly different meanings for each card. No two people see things the same way and so no two Tarot readers see the same things in the cards. It is up to you to formulate your own meanings depending on what you see and feel when you look at the cards. When you look at a card – think how it makes you feel and notice what is happening in the card and then relate that to your question.

  • evephoenix77 says:

    I use “Tarot for Yourself” by Mary Greer. It does have very detailed descriptions of possible meanings of the cards, which I have found extremely helpful. Also, I use a Rider-Waite deck and have found that just looking at the images for a few minutes, in light of the topic or question that’s asked, can often be enough for me to get the meaning on my own. It’s true that different cards can mean different things, depending on the question your asking. For example, if you are asking a general question about your career and you draw The Chariot, it may mean full-speed ahead with a job you’re thinking about taking, or a project you’re working on, but if you ask a question about a current relationship with your significant other, it may mean to be bold and say what’s on your mind, or go ahead and plan that romantic weekend! Generally, I’ve found there’s no “right” or “wrong” interpretations. If you are thinking about a certain answer while looking at a particular card, chances are that’s the one for you. If you’d like a talk about a particular question, you can visit my website at, or contact me at

  • In The Cards says:

    You’re going to find that. Every deck is reinterpreted slightly so you do have variations in definitions on a deck by deck (and book by book) basis. Tarot resembles the rest of life – there is no single right answer or definition; you just try to find what works for you.

    I started with a book called Tarot by Janina Renee; it’s out of print now but I think this is a reprint of that work.

    I found it was a great book to learn with because it gave a brief interpretation, then more detail on a card by card basis. It also had some great astrological tie-ins and beautiful illustrations.

    Regardless of the resources that you use, you’ll arrive at your own definitions eventually. Try not to get hung up on the differences and look for the similarities between definitions.



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