Get Adobe Flash player Have you ever been curious what The Wheel Of Fortune Means? Learn all about The Wheel Of Fortune and the symbology in this training from the Virtual Tarot School

5 Responses to Tarot Wheel Of Fortune, Read This Major Arcana Card Easily

  • UniqueTush says:

    what happens when you get this card with the Lovers card???

  • virtualtarotschool says:

    thanks! nice insights. I love the Osho Zen version of this card, with the calm yin yang in the middle. I’ll be posting more vids soon so feel free to subscribe to my channel to catch them all.

  • questingQuentin says:

    In conclusion, as much of a victim to fate as I feel sometimes, I have found that no matter how disappointing or ironic my circumstances might seem, in spite of doing everything in my power to change them, the one thing that I can control is my attitude. And I can always count my blessings, seeing the cup as half-full. And there is always the hope that one day, I might actually be the monkey on top! I learn from my mistakes as I strive for mastery, constantly improving but still not good enough.

  • questingQuentin says:

    Born on March 10th, I highly relate to the Wheel of Fortune card. As a Piscean, I also relate to the yin-yang aspect. But my great frustration, especially as a competitive and somewhat psychic individual, is that sometimes it seems that no matter how hard I try at something, I know that Fate is going to have its way because, as the Bible says (KJV Ecc 9:11), “time and chance happeneth to them all.” The monkeys seem to reflect the confusion and torment. Success happens at times but only by grace.

  • CAGamble says:

    Thank You.

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