Get Adobe Flash player For the purpose of this short TarotVision video I incorporate a key tarot card meaning on each major arcana card and weave them together into what can become a mystic initiation, a TarotVision journey along the path of the Major Arcana. For an initiate this can be a lifelong journey, for others a few moments of entertainment.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to TarotVision; a video journey – Major Arcana RiderWaite Tarot

  • philotaaveti says:

    this is not the true tarot

  • BRNPT33 says:

    the music is too loud so it is difficult to understand the words

  • emsieixor says:

    oh, thank you! (: im new to tarot reading lol.

  • zorbaziv says:

    Wands are one of the four Minor Arcana suits. This is a look through the Major Arcana.

  • emsieixor says:

    where is the wand card?

  • zagyex says:

    The problem with Tarot for divination is the fact, that it is accepted as a divination tool because its so-told ancient origins and connections with people who built the Pyramids or wrote the Bible.
    But these connections are a simple lie. If the truth was well-known, that Tarot was created as a card game 500 years ago, it might not be a well running bussines for the occultist industry.
    And there are many people who like the truth, and like the Tarot with its 500 years old history and complexity.

  • xPythox says:

    Sweetheart you’re neither of those things.

  • anniemoonmaid says:

    check out history of tarot cards ut
    how you percieve them to be so shall they be x

  • Oreceo says:

    Psychic ability, Xiiaobabybluex, has no color:
    black nor white and by inference is neither good nor bad…it just electricity or fire. The intent of the weilder, in this case of the psychic, is what counts. To do harm or good is a choice.

    People who read Tarot sleep about as well as anyone else.

  • strawberrygirrl says:

    beautiful I love the high priestess and the empress cards. I feel great affinity with them.

  • XiiaoBabyBluex says:

    Is Tarot reading related by any ways to Black Magic ?

    I only hear when i was young, that Tarot Reading is close to black magic ?
    People who do Tarot Reading arent able to sleep properly .

    Is this true ?
    im quite worried.
    I dont do / Read / Study Tarot Cards .

    But its just a worry

    Reply soon 🙂 thanks !

  • eameece says:

    Please let us know what the music is.

  • eameece says:

    Good video. I can’t seem to get mine in the related videos set, but please visit my channel or search Toccata in F tarot…

  • 010101666010101666 says:

    wow your video is nice and thanks for the arcana lesson. Can you please tell me how you got your first tarot deck?

  • erin517 says:

    I have to say this is put as point blank but in the best words ive heard yet, kudos on this, cause many cards some elaborate too much on and this is a good sum up

  • zorbaziv says:

    You are mistaken, for the Rider Waite is renowned because it was the first fully pictorialized minor arcana deck.

  • AtticusStount says:

    The down side of the Ryder Waite is the non-pictographic minor arcana.

  • zorbaziv says:

    The name Arcana comes from the word Arcanum meaning – a great secret or a powerful remedy. The word Arcana is the plural of Arcanum, and so means – many great secrets – you have a wonderful name 🙂

  • kanachan2 says:

    my name is arcana ……this is so kewll i never knew what all my name ment

  • Stepper11 says:

    I don’t believe there’s anything inherently “truthful” about Tarot cards. I believe we look at them as into a mirror, in which we see reflected knowledge that already resides within us on some level. We read into them what we need to see. In that way, they are a useful tool for many folks.

  • willberb says:

    Zorbazoo? Thats strange because that is my name too.
    What are the odds?

  • girliegirlie17 says:

    I love them too – I have the Crowley Thoth tarot the images are so powerful. Picasso was obsessed with the tarot. I use the Celtic Cross spread cos it easy!

  • Ca8Amy8 says:

    Yeah it’s almost ALWAYS accurate with me!

  • paquitovalencia says:

    i am making tarot in czech republic, its a pitty that here is not people understand it so much and we must listen a lot off critik

  • VikkiMichaela says:

    i do tarot cards for people, i get the heirophant so bliking often! yeah, they tell the truth, or are very often.

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