The important part is when the time is right for you..
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A cable public access program recently spotlighted the Wiccan Headstone Campaign and featured Michaela Barry, the attorney who filed the first FOIA request with the Veterans Administration for information regarding why the Pentacle has not been approved
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this world mess up now days anybody should be abletoo beleive in what is right 4 them i am wiccan myself they should pass the law an d putt our symble up as well bless too be
anyone should be able to choose any symbole they want when they die.
ID like a pyramid tombstone where i can be buried with my stuff and slaves and i prefere this to be built by hebrews(unless Rambo Moses shows up with his super wepons) in which case I’ll just have it built by the other people in eygpt build my pyramid.
i like satanism. :/ they got a bad rap here.(anton lavey’s atheist satanism of course)
NO you should not just go along with non pagans. If you feel that something is wrong then it is.
its actually a celtic cross which is used by lots of denominations. The Celtic Church existed in Britain from around 34AD until stamped on by the Synod of Whitby in 640 AD by the Roman church. We still follow Celtic Christianity in Northumberland and elsewhere.
How come the Presbyterians have there own cross? There Christians.
Rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl.
Not all pagans follow the wiccan rede because they are not wiccans. You make your own choices in this world, and we have no right to judge whether another “deserves” to be a member of our religion.
for illegal wars yes ,although war itself is not legal if it impinges on the rights of others check the wiccan rede and your heart .
Legality is a human concept, yet you use it to describe wars. Are you saying that those who serve their country do not deserve to be Pagans?
It’s happened. We have the headstone now.
Don’t be too hard on who?
The American government would never let this happen. Even though the usa was meant to be free of religious dictatorship, it is a VERY Christian country. And the majority of Christians would go mad at this…. (u have read the comments) and parties would lose votes.
it’s very hard to define Wicca – especially for a person who doesn’t practice and has no “hands on” experience
Don’t be too hard on her
to sapport illegal wars of man in any way is not earth based the goddess is about peace its a distraction sapporting pagans who would kill or be killed the rights of these few are strange to me.
“She” said nothing of the kind. So take THAT.
She said Wiccans cant be environmental, Im a Wiccan and Im VERY environmental… Im a vegetarian and im a tree-hugger! so take that lady
I am not pagan or wiccan, however I totally agree that anyone of any faith should be allowed to have the symbol of their religion on their gravestone. I hope that the military workers are allowed to have it soon.
And Blessed Be to you.
Has anybody seen my new Wiccan Video’s yet?
we wiccan are proud of who we are and that stupid Mr.Bush can kiss my ass,LGT can marry under freedom of religion in Wicca or Paganism!
We stand up for many things in are faith , we should stand by this Man’s family and there Right to place a wiccan symbol on his grave ..This is the U.S.A. But people has been closed eyed to what they do don’t understand .. I give praise to the wiccan groups for supporting this … cause I have planed my own passing and that raises ? for my own headstone … Harm None !!!!! May the god and goddess bless all
you know… I give up on the us period. I live in the us, but it seems that if your not a rich upperclass citizen your oppinion doesnt matter anyway, and they would rather take the opinion of a celebrity who cant do anything more than smile over an intelligent being. SO to each his/her own beliefs and screw you u.s.