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The important part is when the time is right for you..
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A cable public access program recently spotlighted the Wiccan Headstone Campaign and featured Michaela Barry, the attorney who filed the first FOIA request with the Veterans Administration for information regarding why the Pentacle has not been approved
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Telling Your Friends & Family That You’re Wiccan Or Pagan

  • KayRod14 says:

    I’m Pagan (although not Wicca) and I am going to study the religion before I tell my family (I’m still young, so it’s not a huge deal, plus my family doesn’t really follow a religion) This video was very informational to those who need guidance, and I’m now thankful that I don’t 🙂 God luck to everyone who is dealing with this weight on their shoulders. If your faily doesn’t understand, someone out there will, I promise.

  • Momoko1mizuki says:

    I’m lucky in my life I have very few accepting people in my life. These two people have helped me. My older friends have shunned me. My parents have yet to know but my mom said she’d disown me if I was. What do I do??

  • BLLAARRRGG says:

    why would you tell anyone? there is no need to

  • AkumaXKami says:

    I was never in the broom closet, lol. But I can understand why some people wouldn’t want to come out…faith is a very personal thing and I think you don’t always need to share it.

  • Gleemingstar says:

    my bf dumped me bcuz im Pagan

  • PaintedRavensong says:

    I’ve really learned over the years to be somewhat discerning when it comes to who to tell and who not to bother telling. I have really been careful about not allowing myself to be judged based upon someone else’s ignorance on paganism because most people only know what they see in movies and how Hollywood has portrayed us. I guess the truth of who we are isn’t exciting enough…heheheh Glad you found the path…it’s wonderful!!!! Nice to meet you.
    )0( Raven

  • peaceandloveinaction says:

    Very nice. I sorta wish I never came out of the broom closet. It seemed much better that way, but I am happy that my family accepts my spirituality. Afterall, it’s how I was raised for the most part.

  • lavignekk says:

    Thank you precious~I put your video on my facebook. Thanks for the courage!

  • NaturePixie1 says:

    Excellent video sister!! )O( Very well said! 🙂
    Being a teen witch is very hard, many judge you and think your ‘immature’ for following such religions. Only a few people that I trust will accept me can I tell, which in a way is sad but the ignorance and rejection from people you love is a hard thing to cope with! There’s still many people I have yet to tell I’m a witch to.
    Bright blessings Sweetie! 🙂

    Love and Light Pixie =) )O(

  • NaturePixie1 says:

    Excellent video sister!! )O( Very well said! 🙂
    Being a teen witch is very hard, many judge you and think your ‘immature’ for following such religions. Only a few people that I trust will accept me can I tell, which in a way is sad but the ignorance and rejection from people you love is a hard thing to cope with! There’s still many people I have yet to tell I’m a witch to.
    Bright blessings Sweetie! 🙂

    Love and Light Pixie =) )O(

  • AlexAKAButterscotch says:

    I live in Kentucky, but from my experience it hasn’t been all that bad about me talking to others about my path. Some have been very accepting of it, and even knew others who were followers of Wicca, so I was at least thankful that people had some general understanding of its concepts and me not having to spend an hour explaining what it is. Awesome video, thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Babywitch715 says:

    Great Video! I was lucky my parents were fine with it I was shocked. My mom is telling my family out of excitment My hubby has known since day one and he his really great about it 🙂

  • cypresso56 says:

    Well done, and needed.. I am posting this on our Pagan news site… Pagan Reports… you have to Google that as YouTube will not allow us to put the web address in comment. Compliments from a High Priest. 🙂

  • chemicalangel3 says:

    Very nice video hun…i myself have not opened up to everyone i know, especially with some family. I will be making a video soon about myself and explain more about that…but what matters to me, is that i have the support of my kids and my bf and that’s whats most important to me 🙂 ~Blessings~

  • TheAlexandraEvelyn says:

    Hi I was wondering if you could help me with a school project I am doing about wicca. I need to know the wiccan views on natural disasters, like where they come from and why they happen. ANSWERS WELCOME FROM EVERYONE!! blessings xx

  • martinpoldma7 says:

    I am very spiritual and into angels/new age/mysticism and am completely surrounded by atheists(all friends and family), but thus far no one has ever even asked a single question about my spirituality/view of the world and I really do not know what they think about that stuff, but it seems that they kind of accept that but are not really into it themselves..

  • SpiritualProgressive says:

    Sadly, I think a lot of people’s only experience with Wicca or witchcraft is what they have seen in movies or on TV. Of course, many hear about how evil it is in Church. That’s why I am very, very private about my beliefs and do not openly share them with my friends or family. Maybe that’s why I love the pagan Youtube community so much… I feel accepted here.

  • spidersbos says:

    Thank you for making this video. I’ve just gotten back in touch with an old friend, and I’ve told him that I’m Wiccan, and I want him to understand that better, so I’m going to send him a link to your video. Brightest blessings.

  • ShoryoTombo says:

    Personally, I don’t tell unless they ask. I do wear my pentagram proudly and if someone ask, I tell them. Remember, never be confrontational or defensive when one question and have the need to tell you what they think. Excellent video!


    @AClRCLEOFLlGHT of course i am. i respect your opinion and value your friendship. i agree that you do have great points.

  • AClRCLEOFLlGHT says:

    I liked the video, I’m just offering a different view. Hope you’re cool with that.

  • AClRCLEOFLlGHT says:

    @FATEISKNOCKING : That’s not what I’m talking about. If someone asks you, that’s different. You don’t have to lie, but neither do you have to volunteer information that is irrelevant to anything. You’re not hiding anything. You’re keeping it to yourself. There’s a big difference.

    Same with gay people. I don’t have any ill feelings towards gayness. I see it the same way I see straightness. But I don’t see any pumper stickers that have heterosexual symbols. I not a fan of flamboyance.


    @AClRCLEOFLlGHT the reason i told the few people i did was because of the questions i was receiving about things i was doing. i don’t feel like i should have to hide my altar or books and so of course the questions began being asked. anyway you are right that your spirituality is not something to be worn on the outside. that reminds me of a past friend of mine who ran around telling the whole town he was a witch.


    @AClRCLEOFLlGHT @AClRCLEOFLlGHT i agree that you have a huge point but i also know that a lot of people do like to share their spirituality with their family and close friends. i see nothing wrong with it as long as they know they might not always get the reaction they want.

  • Helenhealer says:

    This is a fantastic video! Really done well!!! xxxxx

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