London Mithraeum was founded c240-50AD. Its remains were rediscovered in 1952. Filmed in remains of Temple of Mithras in London. Payam Nabarz is interviewed by Dr Robert Beckford for Channel 4, filmed by Juniper TV. The video gives an overview of some aspects of Mithraism, the ancient Roman mystery religion popular in the Roman Legions. Nabarz is author of ‘The Mysteries of Mithras: The Pagan Belief That Shaped the Christian World’ & Editor of Mithras Reader. For further info see:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@UndyingPrince666 benjamin creme does…….
This is awesome… I have been to this site.
google Doe’s Account, its mindblowing.
I have that book!
I hope a gain a friendship with Mithras who will stand by my side all the time!
tipping correction:
i mean all hail mithra ofcourse
,im a bit tired.
Holy Temple,
All Hail Mihtras, the holy spirit of the Persian Soldiers and later Roman Soldiers to.
“Religion”: Latin “religio”=Re-ligare=Re-Unit – with God, with the All(ness), with the Light. The same the meaning of the Sanskrit Word: “YOGA”.
The Mithras Mysterium-Religion (“cult”) was a truely inner Religion, light the Delphoi Mysteries, etc.
There are a lot of Mithras Sanctuaries (mithraeums) all over Europe (in England, Germany, Italy, Hungary ,etc.)
See the Remarkable Work of Julius Evola about the Mithras Mysteries.
Not Christians but FAR BEFORE the so called “Christianity”.
Mitra (in Vedic Sanskrit) = Mithras (in Greek) = Mithra (in Latin) was a Cosmogonic and Solar God, and defender of the peace.
Mithras (“Sol Invictus”, the “Invincible Sun”) is a Symbol. The Allegorie of the Victory of our Higher Self, the Victory of the Light (Sun) over the Dark(ness).
THIS IS the real aim of all the Religions of the World – the Original Religions
yes, christians under a different name, lol
Is there a website or anything where I can learn of Mitra’s story and how he fits in the canon of classical mythology or his importance therein? Perhaps if there was some kind of dogma his followers lived by? I am slightly fascinated by this.
To the person who mentioned the guys head bobbing – he may have a ondition such as Tourette Syndrome which I have. In teh video responses above I have included a video of myself with some friends doing a sketch I wrote based on TS. Please watch and understand the message of what we go through – laugh with us by all means but not at us; that would just show ignorance. The sound isn’t briliant but the message is all ther – and the lady at the end if you can pick her words out, tels the truth of TS
If that one guy’s head bobs any more than it already does, it’s going to bob right off his shoulders.
BINGO AAAAAND WE HAVE A WINNER! Christians won´t believe you. And I have been called a devil for stating that Jesus is not Yahoshua but IESU based on Mithra!!!
What does ‘reclining’ mean?
Was Mithraism polytheistic?
Yes, Christians..
the Only difference is switch from Mithra to the Greek God Zeus, now you have Je-sus instead
of Zeus..
Yes, there are details of modern practise in the book ‘The Mysteries of Mithras: The Pagan Belief That Shaped the Christian World’.
It got into the roman empire by the way of the pontic legions recruited for the first time by Julius caesar
Does anyone still believe in Mithraism?
mitraism was taken to romans after alexander conquered persia and got familiar to mitraism.mitra/mehr was persian religion.
Why wasn’t this portion included in the documentary? (The Hidden Story Of Jesus)
Excellent video!
Fascinating walk-through and narrative by Mr. Nabarz. Well done!
Great content, but a pity about the sound quality.
It was nice when you were describing what the Mithraeum would have been like, and I bet they would have added graphics at that point if it had been included in the TV programme.