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Temple of Zeus is another Pagan Temple that was used thousands of years ago. The Hebrews that worshiped these graven images turned from God. Those that turn from God are cut off from His grace. Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and you will have freedom from your sins and a place in heaven with God forever. “For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life”. John 3:16

Cows were thrown out of their natural habitat for beautification of Powai Lake without giving alternate grazing land for them. Cow’s have been worshipped since ages by people around the world from the egyptians, to pagans. Cow is a giver to the world. Cow gives milk, and also produces calf’s which work on our fields to produce food for us. Cow Dung is a organic fertiliser and also used to coat floor in the villages. it is also used in cremation of human bodies. Human Mother gives milk for a year, but we take Cow Milk till our old age, and this is how we pay her back. We have made Cows of Powai REFUGEE on her own land.
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